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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
390 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Salary 267 267 267 267 267 267 [ M a y 21 11. Mabel C. Paterson, Assistant in Zoology (50% time) 12. R. M. Wetzel, Assistant in Zoology (50% time) 13. Virginia L. Yeater, Assistant in Zoology (50% time) 14. L. S. Miller, Assistant in Zoology (50% time) 15. j Assistant in Physiology (50% time) 16. E. W . Daniels, Assistant in Zoology (50% time) Unassigned Salaries (to be assigned by the Dean) Total, Urbana-Champaign Divisions CHICAGO U N D E R G R A D U A T E Biological Sciences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D. L. Hopkins, Associate Professor J. F . Groves, Assistant Professor Gladys R. Bucher, Assistant Professor A. D. Pickett, Assistant Professor (50% time) William Sangster, Assistant Professor (50% time) Alice Byrne, Instructor (50% time) E. B. Little, Instructor (50% time) Peggy P. Muirhead, Instructor (50% time) , Instructor Commerce and Business Administration 1. R. D. Haines, Associate Professor of Accountancy 2. C. H . Gillett, Assistant Professor of Economics 3. E. W. Berg, Instructor in Accountancy (See Student Counseling Bureau) (Total Salary) 4. W . J. Dunne, Instructor in Economics (80% time) (See Student Counseling Bureau) (Total Salary) 5. Dorothy A. Eggebrecht, Instructor in Accountancy 6. Josephine A. Johnson, Instructor in Accountancy 7. Sarah M. Kabbes, Instructor in Accountancy 8. Oscar Miller, Instructor in Economics 9. J. R. Morris, Instructor in Economics 10. Janice Nystrom, Instructor in Accountancy 11. , Instructor in Economics 12. Mrs. Winifred B. Geldard, Assistant in Economics 13. J. L. Glojek, Assistant in Economics 14. C. M. Larson, Assistant in Economics 15. A. J. Schneider, Assistant in Accountancy 16. H. F . Williams, Assistant in Economics (80% time) Engineering Sciences 10 757 22 969 $551 075 DIVISION 1 464 1 250 I 067 500 556 389 445 378 800 6 849 1 645 1 112 778 (134) (912) 778 (112) (800) 778 834 1 028 834 845 973 834 734 667 778 778 623 14 019 1. H . R. Allen, Assistant Professor of Architecture 1 067 2. A. J. DeFilipps, Assistant Professor of Architecture 1 112 3. R. M, Price, Assistant Professor of Physics ( 1 7 % t i m e ) . . . . 208 (See Student Counseling Bureau) (134) (Total Salary) (342) 4. J. F . Richardson, Assistant Professor of A r t ( 6 7 % time) 712 5. J. R. Schermerhorn, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (50% time) 556 6. W . R. Anderson, Instructor in Physics 800 7. James Arkin, Instructor in Architecture ( 7 5 % time) 750 8. Mrs. Margie Benoit, Instructor in Art ( 6 7 % time) 489 9. E. E. Burr, Instructor in A r t ( 6 7 % time) 578 10. J. E. Findlay, Instructor in General Engineering D r a w i n g . . . I 000
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