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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

928 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 8 bilities these discoveries have be released to the Government. In the event the Government does not apply the University may elect to do so. 3. Process for preparing D B T reagent in pellet form for the detection of certain chemical warfare agents in water, and for preparing a new compound of /3-chloroethylsulfenyl chloride, an intermediate in the preparation of mustard gas, by Dr. Charles C. Price, Associate Professor of Chemistry, during research under contract OEMsr-593 with the United States Government. These discoveries have important military value but have little or no possible application to civilian peacetime use. T h e Committee is of the opinion that the University would not be justified in expending funds for patent applications and recommends release of the discoveries to the Government. 4. Process for the purification of water by the use of powdered activated carbon in beds by admixture with a filter aid, such as diatomaceous earth, also by Professor Price. This discovery may have interesting and important significance but much scientific research and experimentation will be required to determine this point. T h e Committee recommends that this patent be released to the Government, and that if the Government does not choose to exercise its prior right to apply, consideration be given to the acquisition of a patent by the University. 5. Discoveries by Professor Roger Adams and others (under Contract NDCrc-48) on 4-ketostearic acid purification, 12-ketostearic acid processes, dodecana-i-sulfonic acid processes and pentadecane-8-sulfonic acid and process. The Committee is of the opinion these discoveries are of such nature that the University would not be justified in expending funds for patent applications and recommends that the Board of Trustees release all rights the University has in these discoveries either to the Government or to the discoverers, subject to any rights the United States Government may retain under its contract with the University. 6. Process for the purification of Levinstein mustard by water-washing by Mr. Orville H. Bullitt, Jr., a graduate student, while engaged in research under N D R C Contract OEMsr-493. T h e purification of mustard gas is of interest only in chemical warfare and the discovery has no commercial use in peacetime. T h e Committee is of the opinion that the University would not be justified in expending funds for a patent application and recommends that the University waive its rights. I concur in the recommendations of the committee. On motion of Mr. Jensen, these recommendations were approved and adopted. S U P P L E M E N T A L EMERGENCY WAR F O O D ADMINISTRATION BUDGET (24) T h e Extension Service of the United States Department of Agriculture has made an allotment to the University Agricultural Extension Service in the sum of $20,000 for an Increased Milk Production project. This allotment is supplemental to the W a r Food Administration budget in the amount of $45,000 approved by the Board on March 14, 1944 (page 902), and makes a total budget for this work of $65,000 for use during the period ended June 30, 1944. Dean and Director H . P . Rusk has submitted the following budget for this supplemental project: Salaries (partial payment to four Emergency War Food Assistants also to be transferred from the State Department of Agriculture; appointments to be approved by the President) $ 3 125 Wages (clerical workers) 5 000 General departmental expense 5 875 Travel 6 000 Total $20 000 This supplemental budget has been reviewed by the Comptroller. I recommend approval subject to adjustment within the total. The Comptroller presented this matter. On motion of Mr. McKelvey, this budget was approved, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Jensen, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Livingston, Dr. Luken, Mr. McKelvey, Dr. Meyer; no, none; absent, Mr. Green, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Nickell.
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