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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Searls, Virginia W., degree, 421 Sears, B. F., fees, 276, 314, 335, 336 present at meeting, 492 Sears, G. W., appointment, 776 resignation, S93 Sears, O. H., appointment, 195, 577, 631 leave of absence, 898, 945 Seaton, Helen L., degree, 155 Sebek, C. J. E., degree, 883 Sebek, R. O., appointment, 465, 689 degree, 431 Secondary schools, admission from, requirements, 240 Secord, A. W., appointment, 379, 588 Secord, P. F,, resignation, 319 Secretary of Board, election, 300, 896 Janata, A. J., appointed pro tempore, 58 signature, delegation, 300, 325, 505, 896 facsimile, 301, 897 Sedivec, G., degree, 432 Seed, L., appointment, 12, 554 military leave, 100 Seed, Peggy R., degree, 421 Seely, E, R., certificate, 833 Seely, F. B., appointment, 619 member ot University Civil Service Committee, 366, 787 Segur, A. B., member of advisory committee, 441 Sehring, G. H., appointment, 9 Seibert, D. J., degree, 885 Seibert, H. C , appointment, 50, 318, 387, 533, 587, 599 resignation, 827 Seibert, Leola M., degree, 883 Seidelmann, R. E., certificate, 273 Seidler, A. H„ degree, 297 Seidman, F. E., certificate, 735 Seidman, J. S., certificate, 735 Seidman, L. J., certificate, 800 Seidman, M. L., certificate, 735 Seidner, H. M., degree, 432 Seil, M. D., appointment, 600 Seip, Phyllis A., degree, 421 Selby, Laura C , degree, 1010 Seldon, M. J., degree, 422 Seligman, C. A., degree, 424 Sellers, Mary J., degree, 758 Sellett, T., degree, 817 Selligman, Mrs. J., gift, 870 Selmeyer, Martha A., appointment, 286, 700 resignation, 783 Seltzer, B. J., certificate, 833 Selzer, L. J., Jr., degree, 886 Senate, State, appreciation of cooperation, 398 legislation, accountancy, 459 airport, 360, 443 appropriation bill, 443, 482 Educational Commission, creation, 445 Medical Practice Act, amendment, 444 scholarships, descendants of war veterans, 444 veterans of World War II, 444 Southern Illinois Normal University, expansion of curricula, 445 working cash fund, 443* 485 Senate, student, gift, 77 Senate, United States, Kilgore bill, effects and implications, 339 Senate, University, committees, membership, 388 number reduced, 272 Senear, F. E., appointment, 673 Seneco, R. W., certificate, 721 Senn, W. F., appointment, 261, 384, 534, 667, 981 Sentman, E. E., degree, 1017 Serber, R., appointment, 617 declination, 54 Serby, A. M., appointment, 6, 547 Sered, Edith, degree, 1013 Sered, H,, appointment, 225, 550 1185 Series, E. H., appointment, 688 Seron, S. M., appointment, 686 Setina, Genevieve M.f appointment, 709, 824, 890, 966 Setterdahl, F. N., member of Special Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 907 Settle, R, G., degree, 295 Settlemire, Patricia G., degree, 421 Severens, J. M., appointment, 582, 635, 650, 973 degree, 414 Severns, William H., appointment, 383, 614, 980 Severns, William Harrison, degree, 1013 Sewage research, budget, 619 Sewage Research Laboratory, renaming, 308 See also Sanitary Engineering Laboratory. Sexton, Audrey M., appointment, 700 Sexton, Eleanor H., degree, 292 Sexton, Grace H., degree, 1016 Sexton, H.f appointment, 818, 963 Sexton, Meta M., appointment, 700 leave of absence, 60 Seybold, J., certificate, 943 Seybold, J. A., appointment, 633 Seybolt, R. F,, appointment, 60S leave of absence, 803 Seyfarth, F., appointment, 91, 615 military leave, 229 Seyler, E. C , appointment, 569 salary increase, 917 Shabsin, E., degree, 293 Shaff, Ruth V., appointment, 140, 776 declination, 783 degree, 758 resignation, 783 Shaffer, Lottie M., appointment, 140, 225 resignation, 349 Shaffer, Marie, appointment, 410, 630, 653 military leave, 946 Shaffer, Mary I., scholarship, 342 cancellation, 372 Shaffer, R. D., degree, 430 Shailer, L. L., Jr., degree, 422 Shalek, R. J., degree, 883 Shales, R. G., degree, 933 Shalla, L. S., appointment, 3, 672 military leave, 100 termination, 962 Shambaugh, G. E,, Sr., appointment, 4* 545 Shames, Ruth E., degree, 882 Shanedling, P. D., appointment, g, 551 cancellation, 970 Shankman, Elaine D., degree, 1012 Shannon, C. E., appointment, 10, 551 cancellation, 970 Shannon, C. H,, appointment, 140 resignation, 372 Shannon, Fred A., appointment, 381, 593, 978 Shannon, Frederick A,, degree, 4 2 1 Shannon, Mary M., degree, 882 Shanor, L,, appointment, 140, 376, 577* S^-J, 777 resignation, 537 Shantz, W. B., certificate, 59 Shapiro, A. J., degree, 816 Shapiro, F., appointment, 9, 551 Shapiro, H. R., degree, 816 Shapiro, I. M., resignation, 55 Shapiro, J., degree, 817 Shapiro, L. D., degree, 162 Shapiro, M. H., certificate, 721 Shapiro, S. L„ appointment, 4, 545 Sharka, W. J-, Jr., appointment, 689 Sharkey, Viola I., degree, 1012 Sharp, Agnes A., appointment, 11, 553 Sharp, Clara E., degree, 427 Sharp, Garnet S., certificate, 833 Sharp, Katharine L., scholarship, award, 342> 963 Sharp, L. H., appointment, 91
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