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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1146 BOARD OF TRUSTEES High schools, admission from, requirements, High School Testing Bureau, budget, 569 High School Visitor, budget, 573 Hightower, H. W., degree, 151 Hilderbrand, Florence E., appointment, 409, 633 resignation, 892 Hilgard, Josephine R., appointment, 4 cancellation, 144 Hilkevitch, B. H., appointment, 6, 546 Hill, Beverly, appointment, 224 resignation, 319 Hill, C., appointment, 706 Hill, Dean, military leave, 508, 730 Hill, Dennis, military leave, 165, 730 termination, 962 Hill, Donald H., degree, 883 Hill, Ellen T., degree, 427 Hill, G. R., certificate, 833 Hill, H. T., member of advisory committee, 441 Hill, Helen, degree, 421 Hill, Mrs. Helen W., resignation, 144 Hill, Iris L., appointment, 345, 693, 854 Hill, Mrs. Kathryn R., appointment, 45, 625 Hill, Leona A., appointment, 134 resignation, 467 Hill, O. F., appointment, declination, 53 Hill, V. R., degree, 432 Hill, W. G., appointment, 384, 662, 981 leave of absence, 302 Hillebrand, H. N., appointment, 527, 588, 976 Hiller, E. T., appointment, 597 Hillier, C. W., Jr., degree, 933 Hillier, D. L., degree, 429 Hillis, Mary O., degree, 1007 fellowship, 341 Hillman, Betty L., degree, 156 Hills, Elizabeth A., degree, 417 Hills, Jeannette, appointment, 963 Hinchcliff, K. H., appointment, 965 Hindsley, M. H., appointment, 662, 669 military leave, 61 resignation, 94 Hine, M. K., appointment, 683, 687 Hines, L. W., certificate, 721 Hines, Marion L., degree, 428 Hines, V. A., appointment, 193, 387, 527, 608, 976 Hmman, J. W., appointment, 768 resignation, 892 Hino, J., degree, 418 Hinshaw, W. W., appointment, 708 Hintersehr, J., certificate, 736 Hinton, R. S., degree, 760 Hintz, O. E., degree, 295 Hirsch, F. E., appointment, 821 Hirsch, L. L., degree, 421 1 Hirschtick, E. J., degree, 43 Hirshfield, H. J. B., degree, 432 Histology, budget, 684 History, budget, 592 summer semester, 381, 978 fellows and scholars, 342, 369, 932, 963 History of University, appropriation, 457 balance reappropriated, 458, 995 budget, 578 Hitte, Kathryn M-, degree, 1010 Hoag, Mrs. Lois H., appointment, 571 Hoag, M. W., appointment, 615 Hobart, C. M., appointment, 528, 768 Hoberg, Grace M., degree, 424 Hochmuth, Marie, appointment, 589 Hockfield, R-, degree, 295 Hodek, F., Jr., member of advisory committee, S63 Hodges, Carolene, degree, 1017 Hodges, N. D., appointment, 566 military leave, 804 salary, 76 payment, decision of Supreme Court, 245 procedure, 275 240 Hepler, S. E., degree, 884 Herath, W. A., degree, 934 Herbarium, specimens of plants, gift, .237 Herbrandson, H. F., appointment, 45, 378, 585 Herbst, R. H., appointment, 14, 556 Herda, M. G., appointment, 134 degree, 756 resignation, 349 Herman, C E., appointment, 573 Herman, Mrs. Virgel J., appointment, 854 Hermann, R. A., degree, 4.24 Hermele, L., degree, 294 Herndon, F. E., member of advisory committee, 800 Herrick, J. B., appointment, 5, 545 Herrick, M. T., appointment, 436, 581, 587, 588 gift for literary study, 236 Herring, J. P., Jr., degree, 155 Herriott, Helen E., appointment, 190, 340, 819, 963 Herrmann, Mary K., appointment, 565, 910 Herrold, R. D., appointment, 681 Herron, Ann L., degree, 1010 Herron, K. E., degree, 430 Herron, Mrs. Lois S-, appointment, 670 Herron, Lona V., degree, 424 Hershenhouse, S. B,, degree, 432 Hershey, A. E., appointment, 614 Hershman, G. L., degree, 426 Hertenstem, C. J., degree, 152 Hertenstein, Dorothy I., degree, 538 Hertz, Constance S., degree, 420 Hertzberg, E., & Sons, contract, 395 Herzon, H., degree, 432 Herzberg, F., appointment, 684 Hess, Mrs. Beryl S., appointment, 608, 976 Hess, F., degree, 431 Hess, Georgine M., degree, 880 Hess, J. H., appointment, 10, 552, 678 member of advisory committee, 167 Hess, W, R-, degree, 162 Hesse, A. L., appointment, 193, 671, 910 member of University Civil Service Committee, 787 Hessel, A., degree, 431 Hesselschwerdt, Mrs. Frances H., appointment, 686 resignation, 859 Hesselschwerdt, G. P., degree, 934 Hetreed, F. W., appointment, 544 leave of absence for war service, 898 Hetrick, J. H., appointment, 409, 639 Hewitt, G, A., certificate, 944 Heyliger, V., appointment, 134, 385, 527, 666 Heyman, Adeline, degree, 429 Hibbert, G. F., appointment, 9, 550 Hibbs, J. R., resignation, 94 Hibbs, W. G., appointment, 5, 546 Hibsch, W. G., degree, 420 Hick, F. K., appointment, 674 Hickey, Mary M., appointment, 598 degree, 420 Hickey, P. H., appointment, 706 Hickle, G. C , degree, 291 Hickman, W. A., degree, 425 Hicks, A, C.j degree, 423 Hicks, Georgina L., degree, 415 Hicks, Martha K., degree, 1016 Hicks, Ruth C , degree, 542 Hieronymous, Mrs. R. E., gift, 78 Higgins, H. R., appointment, 620 Higginson, G. D-, appointment, 596, 982 Higgs, L. W., appointment, 87, 387, 607 degree, 148 resignation, 968 Higher Education in Illinois, Commission, creation, 445 report of surveys, 368 High School Conference, budget, 574 High School Guidance Conferences, budget, 572 High School Instruction, budget, 607
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