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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

728 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ M a y 27 Salary 700 1 500 (45 774) (26 604) 3428 $ 49 202 (26 604) 29. , Assistant, Chicago Departments 30. Clara Brown, Stenographer (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries: Physical Education Sub-total, Salaries: Athletic Association 31. Wages Total, Physical Education for Men Total, Athletic Association Physical Education for W o m e n 1. Louise Freer, Professor and H e a d of Department (On leave with full pay for second semester of 1936-37) 2. Mary F. Lawson, Assistant Professor 3. Carita Robertson, Assistant Professor 4. Laura J. Huelster, Associate 5. lone M. Johnson, Instructor 6. Josephine E. Renshaw, Instructor 7. Enid Schnauber, Instructor 8. Mrs. Delta H. Cuthbert, Assistant 9. , Assistant 10. Dorothy E. Mohn, Assistant 11. Florence L. Fair, Stenographer (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 12. Wages Total, Physical Education for Women Health Service EG50 H A $ D D D E E E EG50 E EG50 H 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 (21 2 038 800 800 280 280 800 800 700 500 700 200 898) 700 $ 24 598 1. J. H. Beard, Professor of Hygiene and Head of Department of Health Service A University Health Officer D 2. Maude L. Etheredge, Professor of Hygiene A Medical Adviser for Women D 3. G. R. Blackstone, Assistant Health Officer, Medical Adviser for Men D 4. J. R. Cain, Associate Professor of Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Men D 5. H. C. Gebhart, Associate in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Men D 6. L. N. Judah, Associate in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Men D 7. L. D. Lewis, Associate in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Men D 8. E. A. Thacker, Instructor in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Men D 9. May I. Millbrook, Instructor in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Women D 10. Helen M. Lynch, Instructor in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Women D 11. Lucy G. Coon, Instructor in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for W o m e n D 12 , Assistant in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Men D Sub-total, Salaries 13. Wages H Total, Health Service $ 5 560 3 818 3 500 3 382 3 163 3070 2800 3 500 2 350 2 535 2 500 3 000 (39 I7») 8 °oo $ 47 978
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