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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
714 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Stiven, F. B., appointments, 171, 348 Stiven, R. B., commission, 643 degree, 616 Stock, T. C , degree, 164 Stock, R. P., degree, 617 Stacker, J. K., degree, 244 Stocking, H. F., appointment, 356 Stocking, W . H., degree, 616 Stoehr, E. L., degree, 94 Stoelzle, H. H., commission, 260 degree, 249 Stokers, Boner House Addition, 29, 70 Stoll, H. G., appointments, 368, 408 Stoll, K. A., degree, 250 Stollstorf, R. W., C.P.A. certificate, 386 Stoltz, G. C , Jr., degree, 249 Stoltz, L. R., degree, 622 Stone, A. E., degree, 628 Stone, E. P., degree, 244 Stone, F. D., degree, 146 Stone, F. L., appointment, 368 Stone, H. A., degree, 616 Stone, H. B. E„ degree, 450 Stone, S. M., Jr., degree, 251 Stonecipher, R. I., appointments, 85, 358 Stoody, H. A., degree, 247 Stoolman, A. W., contract, 66, 99, 139 reimbursement, 189 Stoolman, E. V.f degree, 244 Stores and service departments, budget, 366 Storm sewer, Lincoln Avenue, 66, 570 Woman's Gymnasium, contract, 30 Stottar, R. C , degree, 245 Stott, L. H., appointments, 314, 549 Stouffer, E. L., appointments, 52, 85, 302 degree, 264 promotion, 59 Stoughton, R. W\, appointments, 308, 481 degree, 636 Stoughton Street, dwelling leased, 70, 504 Stout, C. R., degree, 250 Stout, W . H., appointment, 10 degree, 471 Stoutenburg^ M . M., degree, 628 Stover, F. C., II, degree, 629 Stowell, A. R-, degree, 255 Strain, W . J., degree, 249 Straley, J. M., degree, 617 Strand, Mrs. G., appointment, 358 Strandin, W . A., degree, 249 Strang, J. A., appointments, 85, 321 Strange, E. C., degree, 77 Stratton, R. L., degree, 165 Straub, A. F., commission, 260 degree, 247 Strauss,E.R.L.,10,Avenue,164, 329 139 Straub, J.Sidney,degree,names,624 357 Streets,wheat,27appointment,investigation, 140. Straw,24E.elevateddegree,628 discharged, 403 Stresses,committee appointment, StreptococcusM., 323, 641referee Streitmatter,L.,degrees,380439 Streit, P.,E., M.,appointment, 367suggested, Streicher,44i»486 27degree,616 investigation, Strohl, F., degree, Stroh, Strofs, R.MB., H-, structures, Strobe!, Sam, degree, 329531 Striplin,F.515 Florida, 486patent, promotion,. 462 486 267 pavements,6 epidemicus, Pennsylvania 27, on research G., purchase, Wright,fund, 380 University, Romine, Canadian Mathews, certificate, survey,degree, 153. 187, Stauffer, R. S., appointment, 334 Steam and hot water heating, agreement, 65 contract, 69 research fund, 323 Steam boilers, embrittlement, Canadian patent, 139 Steam installations, Illinois Union, 31 Steams, A. L-, degree, 8 Stecher, D. W., degree, 258 Steck, I. E., certificate, 640 Steel, nickel-chromium, investigation, 469 pedestal, gift, 206 plates, joints, 69 rails, research fund, 323 purchase, 388 sheet, enameling, research fund, 323 shelving, contract, 375 Steele, C. S., degree, 622 Steele, K. E., degree, 616 Steele, T. L., degree, 249 Steenstrup, R. F., degrees, 530, 616 Steers, R. T., commission, 643 Steeve, E. F,, degree, 474 Stehman, C. J., degree, 244 Steigmann, F., degree, 499 Steimley, L. L., appointments, 313, 549 Stein, £. J., appointments, 355, 369 Stein, H. N., degree, 630 Stein, L. S., degree, 616 Stein, R. D., degree, 472 Stein, R. E., degree, 251 Stein, S., degree, 449 Steinberg, A. A., appointment, 357 Steinberg, D. L., degree, 380 Steiner, E. J., degree, 266 Steiner, L. M., certificate, 640 Steinman, F. H., appointments, 85, 456, 499 Steinmeyer, H. P., degree, 640 Steketee, E. L., degree, 471 Stenzel, F. J., degree, 617 Stephan, I., appointment, 490 Stephan, R. M., degree, 640 Stephens, C.f appointments, 502 Stephens, L. B., degree, 258 Stephens, L. O., degree, 162 Stephens, M . E., degree, 258 Stephens, T. E., degree, 616 Stephens, V- R., appointment, 369 Stephenson, H. T., degree, 621 Sterling, F. E,, signatory to appropriation bills, 417 Sterner, C. J., degree, 249 Steuernagel, F. W., degree, 629 Stevens, E., degree, 529 Stevens, F. L., appointments, 306, 547 Stewart, MJ.B.,J.,M.,appointment, 234, Stevenson.R.Z.H.,appointments, 85 Stevenson,Mrs.degree,529248 301170, 307, 547 Stevens,H.M,,F.,degree,246258 85,314 318, 333, Stewart. A.,G.appointment,617 198 Stickley, L..H.appointments, Stick, Mrs.164T.,degree,244248 296 Stich, J. H.,W.,degree, 244264 Stice, E. C.H.,A.,degree,248380 319 Stillman, C.S., degree, »53 Still, H. .C.D,, degree,165 Stiegman,WG.,A.,R„,degree,92 Stiefel,E. F.F., G-,degree, 250 Stimson, L., degree,380 Stillwell, E.,degree,appointment, Stifle, A. W-, appointments, Stiff, G. D.I.,L.,appointment, Stith, R. Stingley, Stine, F. W\, appointment, Stiritz, degree, 34i 255 246
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