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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
494 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ D e c e m b e r 15 of improving the property amounted to $4,037.69, which has been charged to the Residence Hall Reserve Fund. The furniture for the house has been provided by the Woman's League. This building houses eighteen women students, so that the cost is less than $1,300 per student, which the Supervising Architect believes is very economical housing. This report w a s received for record. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY (n) The following report of gifts received by the University since the last report: I. From M . Edward Champion, a well-known Parisian publisher, and M . M . Manuel, French art photographers, through Professor Henri Peyre of Yale University, a set of 135 photographs representing various political, diplomatic, literary, and artistic personalities of France. (The University was one of the thirteen institutions chosen to be the recipients of sets of photographs.) 2. From Mead, Johnson, and Company, $500 in support of research work on metabolism which is being carried on under the direction of Dr. J. H. Hess of the Department of Pediatrics. This report w a s received for record. EBERT LOAN FUND (12) The Alumni Association of the School of Pharmacy offers the University approximately $1,200 to be used as part of the Pharmacy Loan Fund established by the Woman's Organization of the Chicago Retail Druggists' Association in 1917 and to be known as the Ebert Loan Fund. The Woman's Organization has agreed to this change in the name of the loan fund. This gift represents funds which were raised by alumni of the School of Pharmacy to establish a memorial for Albert E. Ebert, a prominent member of the pharmaceutical profession. O n motion of M r s . H o p k i n s , this gift w a s accepted. CLASS OF IS07 LOAN FUND (13) A report that the Class of 1907 is planning to raise a student loan fund to be presented to the University at its twenty-fifth year reunion in June, 1932. Subscriptions to this fund are already being received. I request that the Comptroller be authorized to receive such funds as are sent in and to hold them subject to further action by the Class of 1907. O n m o t i o n of M r . Barrett, the Comptroller w a s authorized to receive these funds a n d to hold t h e m as r e c o m m e n d e d . DIPLOMAS (14) The plates from which the University diplomas have been made for several years are badly worn and will have to be refinished if they are going to be used again. This would cost from $300 to $400. In view of this a Committee of the staff was appointed to consider the possibility of changing the size and style of our diplomas. A preliminary report on this matter was submitted at a previous meeting of the Board. This Committee has now secured actual samples of the style of diplomas which it recommends for adoption by the Board and also samples in other sizes. If the style and size which the Committee recommends is adopted, it will not be necessary to appropriate additional funds for diplomas, as the appropriation for the current year is sufficient to cover all of our requirements (in the style and size recommended by the Committee) for the present year. O n m o t i o n of M r . Barrett, the use of the small d i p l o m a w a s authorized, b u t the C o m m i t t e e w a s requested to submit further suggestions with respect to the design. CONTRACT FOR PRINTING AND BINDING OF ANNUAL. REGISTER (15) The Comptroller submits the following bids secured by the Purchasing Agent for printing and binding 25,000 copies of the 1931-32 Annual Register: George Banta and Company, Peoria,Menasha, Wisconsin $5 390 00 Louis Schwab Publishing Company, Illinois 6 220 00
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