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Caption: Course Catalog - 1870-1871 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
14 TKe/,lTnrsteTsity has three barns belonging to the stock and experimental farms and gardens, and three dwelling houses for the superintendents PROPERTY AND FUNDS. Besides - the lands and buildings already described, which are with furniture, library, &c.^ valued at $216,000, the University owns 25,000 acres of well selected wild lands in Minnesota and Nebraska. It has also endowment funds, invested in State and County bonds, amounting to $364,000, besides other property and avails valued, at 650.000. LIBRARY. The Library which has been caiefully selected to aid the scientific studies required in the several practical courses, includes now about 5,000 volumes, and an appropriation of $10,000 has just been made by the General Assembly for its increase. The large Library Hall is fitted up as a reading room, and richly provided, with American, English, French and German papers and periodicals, embracing the most important scientific and art publications, monthlies, quarterlies, &c. The reading room, well warmed and lighted, is open every day and evening, and is constantly resorted to by the faculty and students. The following are some of the periodicals regularly received by the library. AGRICULTURAL. Agronomisehe Zeitung, (German.) American Agriculturist. American Bee-keeper's Journal Bonham's Rural Messenger. California Farmer. Carolina Farmer. Central Union Agriculturist. Chemiscke Ackersman, (German.) Colman's Rural World. Cultivator and Country Gentleman. Farmer's Union. Fruit Grower. Hearth and Home. Journal fur Landwirtschaft, (German.) Journal of Agriculture. Kansas Farmer. Landwirtschaft Versuchstation, (German.) Massachusetts Ploughman. Michigan Farmer. National Live Stock Journal. North Western Farmer. Ohio Farmer. Prairie Farmer. Rural Home Visitor. Rural New Yorker. Southern Cultivator. Southern Planter and Farmer. Western Farmer. Western Rural. Willamette Farmer. EDUCATIONAL. HORTICULTURAL. Gardener's Monthly. Horticulturist. Southern Gardener. Tilton's Journal of Horticulture',' MECHANICAL. American Builder. Architectural Review. Manufacturer and Builder. Scientific American. Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineers Magazine. The Workshop. CHEMISTRY AND NATURAL SCIENCE. American Naturalist. American Journal of Microscopy. Annalen der Physik, (German.) Comptes Rendues, (French.) Zeitschrift Annalen Chemie, (German.) LITERART. Blackwood's Magazine Edinburg Review. London .Quarterry. North British Review. Westminster Review. Revue des Deux Mondes, (French.) The Nation. NEWS. Michigan Teacher. Centralia Sentinel. Champaign County Gazette. Champaign Union. Chicago Evening Post. Illinois Democrat. Illinois Statts Zeitung, (German;)
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