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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1 llinois Industrial University. 11 These studies will be arranged in a course occupying three years, as follows: FIRST YEAR. THE FARM —Its measurements and mapping ; subdivisions — meadows, pastures, orchards, wood lands, gardens, etc. Fences, hedges, farm buildings. Soils — classification and mechanical treatment of soils, plowing, etc. Drainage. PLANT CULTURE.—Structure and Physiology of plants ; classes of the useful plants, their characteristics, varieties, habits, and values. Wheat culture, maize culture, grass culture, root culture, fruit culture begun, apples, pears, peaches, etc. COLLATERAL STUDIES.—English language and composition, surveying, drawing, botany, French language and literature. SECOND YEAR. THE FARM.—Chemical elements and chemical treatment of soils. Fertilizers— their composition, manufacture, preservation and application. Climate, influence of light, heat, and electricity, on soils and vegetable growth. FARM IMPLEMENTS — principles of structure and use. Road making. FRUIT CULTURE—-Modes of propagation, production of new varieties, diseases of fruit trees. Insects injurious to vegetation. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY.—Breeds and varieties of neat cattle, horses, sheep, and swine. Principles of breeding, rearing, training, fattening, etc. Chemical composition of food, and preparation of the several varieties. Sheep husbandry; poultry; bees. COLLATERAL STUDIES. — Mechanics, chemistry, zoology, entomology, mineralogy, German language and literature. THIRD YEAR. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY.—Relation of Agriculture to the other industries and to commerce. The several branches of Agriculture. Agricultural bookkeeping, the farm book, herd book, etc. RURAL LAW—of tenures and conveyances of land, of highways, of cattle, of fences, of noxious weeds, etc. Veterinary surgery and medicine. Landscape gardening, and laying out of large farming estates. Rural Architecture and Engineering, Foreign Agriculture, History and Literature of Agriculture. COLLATERAL STUDIES — Geology, Meteorology, Physical Geography, Inductive Logic, Political Economy, History and Civil Polity, English Literature. D E P A R T M E N T OF MECHANICAL S C I E N C E AND E N G I N E E R I N G . The studies of this course will also occupy three years, and will embrace the following branches and topics :
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