Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 403 I replied as follows: "When the University has published the results of a piece of research in circular form or bulletin or article, the publication having been duly authorized, it is open to any writer on the subject of the bulletin to refer to or quote from the bulletin, giving proper credit. The purpose of the paragraph referred to in your letter is to prevent any firm or individual from putting forth an advertisement of the ordinary kind and saying, for example, that this is endorsed by the University of Illinois, or, we have had experiments conducted by the University of Illinois, or any other phrase indicating that the University has approved, endorsed, or in any way given countenance to the specific action or the merits of specific articles of particular companies. Whether the advertisement published sometime ago by the Milk Council of Chicago violates this rule or not, I cannot say without seeing it. The whole purpose of the provision is to prevent individuals and corporations from using the name of the University to promote their special interests." The Association now asks whether the above statement, as made in m y letter, can be made a part of the Articles of Agreement, or attached as a rider thereto, so that it can be identified as a part of the contract. O n motion of M r . Barr, the statement of the President of the University w a s accepted, to be attached as a rider to the contract. PURCHASE OF BONDS OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS A N D SURGEONS (19) A report from the Acting Comptroller, Mr. H. M . Edwards, that in accordance with the authorization of the Board at its meeting on September 18 he has completed the purchase of $1500 of the Bonds of the College of Physicians and Surgeons at a price of $96 and accrued interest, and recommends that these bonds be canceled and retired. I concur. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. REPORT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SYSTEM OF SEWERAGE IN CHICAGO (20) A report from the Legal Counsel that in accordance with the action of the Board at its meeting on September 18, he has taken up with the Superintendent of Special Assessments in Chicago the matter of the proposed assessment on the University's property on the West Side to determine whether the assessment is fair and just. The Superintendent advises that the method used in calculating the assessment on the University's property is the same as that used in determining the assessment for all other properties in the district. The statement of the Superintendent does not necessarily show that the assessment is just, although it may show that it is not discriminatory. O n motion of M r . Barr, this matter w a s referred to the President of the University for such further action as m a y s e e m advisable. REPORT ON BRONZE TABLET IN A. E. F. MEMORIAL BUILDING (21) A n opinion from the Attorney General of Illinois holding that the Board of Trustees has no power to appropriate public funds for a bronze tablet to be installed in the American Expeditionary Forces Memorial building in Paris in memory of the alumni and students of the University who served in the World War, as proposed in the letter of Colonel Francis E. Drake, President of the "American Legion Building, Paris," which was presented to the Board at its September meeting. This report w a s received for record. REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (22) A report from the Acting Comptroller of contracts and purchase orders executed since the last report: