Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

26 6-13-28 6-14-28 6-r8-28 6-18-28 giror.oo $1350.00 $1620.00 $1010.00 board of trustees General Chemical Stores Physical Plant Physical Plant Animal Husbandry Glasco Products Company Bell and Zoller Company Company Electric Coal E. C. Saddoris [September 20 Laboratory Supplies Coal Coal Competitive Quoted1 Quoted5 Quoted Com H. M. Edwards, 7- 7-l8 7- 7-28 7-11-28 7-12-aS 7-16-18 7-16-28 7-19-28 7-20-28 7-20-28 7-21-28 7-24-28 7-27-28 7-31-2R DaU Amount $[[25.00 $2000.00 $4854.00 $3500.00 $1600.00 #2131.25 $1845-50 $2800.00 $1550.00 $1544.40 $1200.00 $2000.00 $1500.00 Purchasing Agent ORDERS ISSUED DURING JULY, 1928, A M O U N T I N G TO pooo OR M O R E Department Firm Description Procedure Animal HusSwift and Company Meat Scraps Quoted bandry Pantagraph Printing Cans and Contract and Stationery Co. Cases Agriculture Agronomy A. Hoen Co. Maps Quoted Physical Plant Bell and Zoller Coal Coal Quoted* Coal Physical Plant Electric Coal Co. Quoted* Co Physical Plant Daniels and Blake Graham Truck Quoted Physical Plant Republic Flow Meter Flow Meters Quoted American Cast Iron Water Main Physical Plant Competitive Co. Pipe Co. and Fittings Physical Plant American Cast Iron Water Main Competitive Pipe Co. and Fittings Supervising American Seating Co. Tablet Arm Quoted Architect Chairs Physical Plant Baker ManufacturScrapers Competitive University Press ing Co. Printing Contract George SupplyPrintPhysical Plant Inland Banta Co. Steel Pipe Competitive H. M. EdwabLDS, Purcha sing Agent ORDERS ISSUEW DURING A U G UST, 1928, A M O U N T H VG TO $1000 OR MrORE Dale 8- 2-28 8- 2-28 8- 2-28 8- 3-28 8- 7-28 8-10-28 8-10-28 8-13-28 8-21-28 8-24-28 8-27-28 8-28-28 8-28-28 8-29-28 Amount $1460.00 $1395-00 $3100.00 $1706.42 $3000.00 $7500.00 $1140.00 $1800.00 #2328.00 #1126.30 #1363.50 $2500.00 $1030.00 #1153.00 Department McKinley Hospital School of Music School of Music General Chemical Stores Physical Education for Women Supervising Architect McKinley Hospital Physical Plant Registrar's Office Supervising Architect Physical Plant Physical Education for Men Animal Husbandry Supervising Architect Firm Johnson Brothers Cable Piano Company Lloyde's Music Store MalHnckrodt Chemical Works White Line Laundry American Seating Company Standard X-Ray Electric Coal Company loma House W . M . Welch DipAlexander H. Revell Company T. J. Foley Lumber Company White Line Laundry Hayes Grain and Commission Co. Gandy and Earp Description Electric Refrigerator Grand Piano Two Grand Pianos Chemicals Laundering for year 1928-29 Portable Chairs $2.90 each Bedside X-Ray Coal Diplomas Furniture Lumber Laundering for year 1928-29 Cottonseed Labor Procedure Competitive Quoted1 Quotedi Competitive Competitive Competitive Quoted Quoted* Competitive Quoted Competitive Competitive Quoted Quoted H. M. EdwabLDS, Purcha sing Agent Th is report w a s received for record. Arranged by Director Stiven and Mr. Morey. 'Arranged by Mr. J. A. Morrow.