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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

416 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MARGARET A. CARTIER, CPA (1994-96) ROBERT C. FIETSAM, CPA (1994-96) JOHN R. ROGERS, CPA (1994-95) RICHARD E. ZIEGLER, CPA (1994) January 14 I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Lamont, these recommendations were approved. Appointment of Associates to the Center for Advanced Study, Urbana (4) Each year the Center for Advanced Study awards appointments as associates in the center, providing released time for creative work. Associates are selected in an annual competition from the faculty of all departments and colleges to carry out selfinitiated programs of scholarly research or professional activity. The chancellor at Urbana recommends the following list of associates selected for the 1994-95 academic year, and offers a brief description of their projects: PETER BEAK, professor of chemistry, "The Development of Endocyclic Reactions: Applications to Reaction Mechanisms and Asymmetric Syntheses." Professor Beak will apply the endocyclic restriction test to the determination of the transition structure geometries, and thereby the mechanisms, of substitution and addition reactions at phosphorus, oxygen, sulfur, chlorine, and fluorine. He will explore the endocyclic proton transfers to provide enantioenriched organolithium reagents by asymmetric deprotonations which are highly enantioselective. BRUCE C. BERNDT, professor of mathematics, "Proving the Claims Made by Ramanujan in His Notebooks." When India's greatest mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan, died in 1920, he left behind three notebooks and a recently found "lost notebook" containing altogether the statements of about 4,000 theorems. Professor Berndt will continue with his effort to prove all the claims made by Ramanujan in his notebooks and to complete the editing of the first three notebooks. WILLIAM BROOKS, assistant professor of music, "Music Composition, Research, and Reeducation." Professor Brooks will compose a major work for wind ensemble and steel band and participate in the celebration of the School of Music's onehundredth anniversary in the spring of 1995. A number of small research and composition projects will be completed along with the development of as much expertise as time permits in computer applications to music composition. GERALD M. BROWNE, professor of classics, "An Old Nubian-English Lexicon." Professor Browne will work on a comprehensive dictionary of the extant corpus of Old Nubian, the language of the Sudan in the Middle Ages. JOHN BUCKLER, professor of history, "A History of Greece, 403-336 B.C." Professor Buckler will write the definitive book on Greek history in the fourth century B.C. While duly noting current contributions to the theme, this book will be a work of original scholarship, not a mere summation or survey of previous publications. ORVILLE VERNON BURTON, professor of history, "Localism and Nationalism in the Confederacy: Community in Crisis." Professor Burton will develop a broad theme of the relationship between localism and nationalism while analyzing how values and structure of one large community, Edgefield District, South Carolina, changed over the course of the Civil War. Professor Burton's use of a comprehensive database of approximately 40,000 people to answer specific questions on class structures, gender roles, and race relations, is not solely statistical, but a unique synthesis of quantitative and traditional sources, a technique with which he has experimented with some success. JOHN A. DUSSINGER, professor of English, "Samuel Richardson: The Printer as Editor and Public Voice." Professor Dussinger will investigate how a prominent
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