Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
174 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 14 (2) That to carry out this purpose the Stadium should be located as close as possible to the center of student population and activities in order to save time in going to and from the recreational fields; (3) That the location of the Stadium must give accessibility to the general public attending the so-called big games; (4) That it is the unanimous expression anc} request of this Committee that the location for the Stadium be selected as near to Armory Avenue as possible east of First Street and north of Maple Street, Champaign, which runs south of the stock judging pavilion; (5) That funds be advanced from the Stadium collections, if the Board of Trustees shall find such advancement necessary in order to accomplish the purchase of a suitable site; (6) That a committee of three be appointed, with Mr. Huff and Mr, Zuppke available at such hearing, to present this resolution to the Board of Trustees and to urge our reasons upon such Board for prompt action accordingly. These resolutions were received for record. LOAN OF S T A D I U M F U N d S T O A T H L E T I C ASSOCIATION (15) A recommendation that the Stadium Treasurer be authorized and directed to lend to the Athletic Association the sum of #40,000 until October 1, 1922, with interest at 5 per cent. On motion of Mr. Herbert, this recommendation was concurred in. W I L L I A M A N D VASHTI COLLEGE (16) A statement concerning the offer of the buildings of former William and Vashti College at Aledo, Illinois (see page 153). The following persons from Aledo were heard concerning this matter: Mr. 0 . E. Carlstrom, Mr. D. N. Blazer, publisher of the Times-Record, Mr. W. C. Grant, President of the Kiwanis Club and Cashier of the Aledo State Bank, Mr. D. A. Hebel, Board of Trustees of the College, and Mr. P. S. Richey, Farm Adviser. The President of the University was requested to investigate this matter further and to report at the next meeting. SPECIAL S T U D E N T S I N LAW (17) A recommendation of the University Senate that the action of the Board of Trustees taken December 13, 1913 (page 672), providing for the admission and graduation of special students in law, be rescinded. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this recommendation was adopted. L E A V E OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR M O R G A N BROOKS (18) A recommendation that the request of Professor Morgan Brooks for leave of absence for the University year 1922-23, on one-half pay under the rules, be granted. On motion of Mrs. Busey, this recommendation was adopted. L E A V E O F ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR M A D I S O N B E N T L E Y (19) A recommendation that a request from Professor Madison Bentley for Sabbatical leave under the rules for the academic year 1922-23, be granted. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this recommendation was adopted. (20) M E D I C A L LABORATORY A N D L I B R A R Y The plans for the new medical laboratory and library. Professor White explained the plans. On motion of Mr. Noble, this matter was referred to the Committee on Chicago Departments for consideration and report at the next meeting.