UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 276]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922
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Flagg, Elinor B., degree, 249 scholarship, 226 Flattery, Amanda M . , salary, 86 Fleck, A. W., appointment, 126 Fleischner, Julius, degree, 256 Fleming, A. I., degree, 247 Fleming, Denna F., degree, 114 Fleming, S. J., degree, 247 Fleming, V. R., salary, 84 _ Fletcher, E . C , compensation, 77 salary, 87 Fletcher, G. V., degree, 240 Fletcher, R. E., degree, 243 Fletcher, R. H . , degree, 248 Flom, G. T., salary, 81 Focke, W. J., certificate in medicine, 257 Fogelsonger, E . S., degree, 248 Fogler, M . F . , appointment, 160, 173 Fogler, R. W., degree, 242 Foley, Margaret, appointment, 228 degree, 250 Folk, M . L., degree, 188 Folsona, J . W., appointment, 213 Fonseca, D . , degree, 189 Fonseca, Manuel, degree, .246 Forbes, Eunice, salary, 86 Forbes, S. A., resignation, 201 Ford, C., appointment, 97 Ford, E . J., appointment, 160 Ford, H . L., appointment, 126 Fordyce, A. G., prize, 255 Foster, Florence E., appointment, 260 Foster, I. W., appointment, 260 Foster, Rhoda W., degree, 240 Fowler, L. V., degree, 92 Francis, D . R., appointment, 191 Fraser, Thomas, degree, 252 Fraser, W . J., appointment, 13 Frederick, Inez A., degree, 248 Freer, Louise, appointment, 214 Frenzel, W . C., degree, 256 Frey, Ireta G., degree, 240 Friebel, C. G., degree, 244 Friedrich, E . J., degree, 243 Frier, Pauline C., degree, 240 Frisch, Martin, degree, 245 honors, 254 Froehly, A. G., degree, 243 Froiland, Dina M . , degree, 258 Frost, K. T . W., degree, 243 Fulton, Z. H . , appointment, 97 Fulwider, J. H., degree, 240 Funds, student loan, 111 transfer of, 217, 219 Funk, I. M . , degree, 243 Furby, R. L., appointment, 89 Fyfe, D . R., C. P . A. certificate, 112 Gaarder, R. B., degree, 189 Gabelman, J. G., degree, 254 Gainer, J. F . , certificate in medicine, 257 Gaines, W . L., appointment, 13 Gallentine, Florence G., degree, 240 Galster, A. E., appointment, 97 G a n t , V. A., degree, 242 Gardner, J. H . , appointment, 260 Garman, Eliza B., degree, 243 Garraghan, E . F . , appointment, 91 Garrett, S. C , appointment, 206 Garrett, S. S., degree, 240 Garver, W. K., appointment, 97 Garvey, B . S., appointment, 126 degree, 242 Garvin, W . T., appointment, 28, 97 Gates, Alicia W., appointment, 14 Gates, Juanita, appointment, 126 Gault, F . W., appointment, 11, 28 Geiss, M . G., degree, 92 Gemmill, A. V., appointment, 173 degree, 242 General Electric Co., Fatigue of Metals, 78

Genung, A. L., degree, 240 Geology department, transfer of funds, 217 Geology, laboratory fees, 108 Gere, John, appointment, 173 Gerlach, Miriam, degree, 249 German, summer session salaries for, 213 Gernon, G. D., appointment, 160 Gibbs, W . F . , degree, 243 Gibson, G. E., appointment, 168 Gibson, J. D., degree, 243 honors, 254 Giddings, M a t e L., appointment, 14 Gift of spinning wheel, 168 Gift, L. H . , degree, 115 Gifts and loans, acceptance of, 156 Gifts t o Quine Library, 117 Gilbert, Barry, on Law College Commission, 107 Gilkey, H . J., appointment, 191 Gill, H . L., appointment, 214 Gillette, E v a R., appointment, 12 Gjelsness, R. H . , degree, 115 Glasgow, R. D . , appointment, 213 Glenn, Jean N . , degree, 240 Glick, P . P . , appointment, 126 degree, 245 Glidden, Nansen, degree, 247 Glover, Anna C , appointment, 10 Godlove, I. H . , appointment, 97 Goebel, Anne V., degree, 240 Goebel, R. W., appointment, 126 Goebel, W . F . , appointment, 260 degree, 249 Goff, C. W., appointment, 126, 206 Goff, J. A., degree, 245 honors, 254 Goldberg, Bernard, degree, 256 Goldberger, S. M . , appointment, 89 Goldenson, M . J., certificate in mecidine, 257 Gooch, O. M., appointment, 97 Good, M . M . , degree, 243 Goodenough, G. A., salary, 83 Goodfriend, E . I., degree, 258 Goodkind, M . L., appointment, 126 Goodman, J., appointment, 126, 206 Goodman, M . , appointment, 97 Goodrich, Elizabeth, appointment, 25 Goodspeed, W . S., salary, 83 Goodwill, F . O., degree, 243 Goodwin, Marcus, degree, 256 Gordon, F . A., degree, 114 Gordon, H a r r y , certificate in medicine, 257 Gordon, Hazel A., degree, 241 Gore, R. E., degree, 188 Gorham, F . L., appointment, 126 Gorham, W . C , appointment, 173, 206 Gorrell, R. H . , degree, 243 Goss, H . H., degree, 247 Gossett, L. M., degree, 243 Gottschalk, C. G., appointment, 91 Gould, C. B., degree, 243 Gould, V. L,, degree, 239 Gower, L. E., degree, 247 Graduate School, appropriation, 187 Graduation requirements, Commerce, 76 Gradwohl, Beulah E., appointment, 75, 126 Graesser, R. F . , appointment, 28 Graham, A. J., appointment, 91 Graham, C. H . , degree, 258 Graham, M . , salary, 87 Graham, Robert, appointment, 12 Grahmann, E . F . , C. P . A. certificate, 112 Grasse, A. M . , degree, 246 Graves, G. D . , appointment, 260 Gray, Kline, degree, 245 Green, Frederick, on Law College Commission, 107 salary, 85 Green, H . S., degree, 240 Green, N . B., appointment, 260 Greene, H . N . , degree, 147 Greene, S. C , degree, 243 Greenfield, R . E., appointment, 260