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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

?24 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . [Jan. 10 General University No. Date. To whom. Warrmts^Contmued. For what. 1912. Stamps and markers 9118| !Jan. 101 Meyer & Wenthe 9119 .do.... Automatic Electric Company | Telephones 9120 ..do.... The Miller h arness Co Dressing and oil 9121 do.... Crescent Paper Company Hemp and buckskin... . 91221 do.... Dillavou & Dillavou Plow, ladder, fencing, etc. 9123 do.... General Compressed Air & Vacuum 9124 . . d o . . . 9125 . . d o . . , 9126 . . d o . . . 9127 . . d o . . , 9128 . . d o . . , 9129: ..do 9130J . . d o . . . . 9131 d o . . . . 9132|. . d o . . . . 9133 . . d o . . . . 91341 . . d o . . . . 9135 . . d o . . . . 9136 . . d o . . . . 9137 . . d o . . . . 9138 . . d o . . . . 9139 . . d o . . . . 9140|. . d o . . . . 9141 . . d o . . . . 91421 . . d o . . . . 9143 i . d o . . . . . 9144|. . d o . . . . 9145 . . d o . . . . 9146|. . d o . . . . 9147 . . d o . . . . 91481 . . d o . . . . 9149 . . d o . . . . 9150|. . d o . . . . 9151 . . d o . . . . 9152|. . d o . . . . 9153 . . d o . . . . 91541 . . d o . . . . 9155 . . d o . . . . 9156 . . d o . . . . 9157 d o . . . . 91581 . . d o . . . . . 9159 do 9160] do 9161 do 91621 do . 9163..do 91641 ..do 9165 ..do 9166! ..do 9167 ..do 91681 ..do 9169 ..do 9170 ..do 91711 ..do 9172 ..do 9173 . . d o . . . . . 91741 ..do 9175 ..do 9176 ..do 9177 ..do 9178 ..do 9179 .do 9180| .do 9181 ..do 91821 do 9183 do 9184 do 91851 d o . . . . 9186 ..do 9187 . . d o . . . . 9188 . . d o . . . . 9189 . . d o . . . . 9190|. . d o . . . . 9191 . . d o . . . . 91921 . . d o . . . . 5 40 2 12 98 00 59 25 89 40' Rubber bands Machine Company Use horse and buggy. Paul Daniels Feeds H. A. Dreer Fdson Carriage Shop : Blacksmithing Supplies Fox Fultz & Company National Poland China Record Company Certificates Glidden Varnish Company Dressing Eisner Grocery Co Washing powders E. Bartholomew Books Apparatus Charles Engelhard Chemicals Roessler & Hasslacher Envelopes. Moser Paper Company Hospital supplies Truax Greene & Company*. Electric supplies Central Electric Company G. Broes Van Dort Company Books Steel Jones & Laughlin Steel Co Desk fan Gregory Electric Company Machine Ft. Wayne Electric Works , Expenses E. C. Schmidt Fairbanks-Morse & Company „ — Truck casters Use horse and b u g g y — J. E. McGurty Sand R. A. Stipes Hardware J. C. Thomas Lamp E.M.Moll Weston Electric Instrument Company., Meters Glass tube W. J. Boehm Sand A. Barr Ferroinclave Brown Hoisting Machinery Co Western Roofing & Supply Company.. Pipe covering Hardware F. E. Myers & Bro Ewe H. L. Wardwell Book American Ceramic Society Tice & Lynch .*..... Freight, etc Book H. W. Wilson Company Duties G. W. Sheldon & Company Book F. H. Seares Geographical Society of Philadelphia.. Books and subscription. Book Ginn & Company Expenses H. L. Roscoe Dressing , Sears Roebuck & Company Apparatus C. H. Stoelting Company Coal.... Electric Coal Company Polish Wadsworth Howland Company Shellac Sherwin Williams Co Repairing clock R. L. Bowman Tube Crane Company J. D. Smith Foundry Supply Company.. Rammers Wheels ". Norton Company *. Supplies C.F.Witt: Lussky, White & Coolidge, Inc Tips National Regulator Company Dampers Economy Drawing Table Company. Table Illinois Water Supply Association... Advertising, etc Shaw-Walker Company Supplies Expenses W. G. Stromquist Supplies Irving Pitt Manufacturing Company Laboratory supplies C. F.Miller Auditing books The Audit Company of Illinois Callaghan & Company Books Flying rings E.M.Moll Bassoon reeds A. H. Beilfuss. Expenses D. O. Barto Cylinders, etc Kimble Glass Company Pictures Franz Hanfstaengl Photographs A. C. Champagne, Books Max Weg Coal barrow and facing.. The S. Obermaver Company Oil.. [The Standard Oil Company A. H. Barber Creamery Supply Co.. Supplies Knowleton & Bennett Drugs and glass. 1 00' 1 50' 4 75 4 75 7 12" 4 0086 40' 10 6012 15193 99 3 20' 3 19' 19 33 26 53 18 20> 18 70' 6 65 38 4815 029 002 506 00 4 35 2 10' 30 60 8 75 4 50 148 65 174 60 4 00 40 00 4 64 12 50 1 00 .3 60 2 15 17 85 2 00 6 50 10 00 3,135 60 4 50 6 25 2 00 12 15 7 50 18 40 9 55 5 25 75 0O 42 30 10 63 5 0O 20 04 4 53 13 10 150 89 64 50 2 50 3 00 4 70 36 49 12 29 5 85 17 37 25 28 86 80 13 73 53 40
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