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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

480* U N I V E E S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . [Sept. 12 Paper F is a s t a t e m e n t of the School of P h a r m a c y a p p r o p r i a t i o n s J u n e 30, 1911. Paper G is a s t a t e m e n t of t h e College of Medicine appropriations J u n e 30, 1911. Paper I is a list of. t h e a p p r o p r i a t i o n s t h e board is requested to m a k e a t this time. Paper L is a r e p o r t of t h e receipts by t h e chief clerk for t h e three m o n t h s e n d i n g J u n e 30, 1911. Paper I is a list of t h e general University vouchers presented for a u d i t , being Nos. 12851 to 17625, inclusive. Paper 0 is a list of the United States Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Station vouchers presented for audit, being Nos. 433 t o 605, inclusive. Paper P is a list of the.School of P h a r m a c y vouchers presented for a u d i t , being Nos. 166 to 233, inclusive. Paper Q is a list of the College of Medicine vouchers* presented for audit, being Nos. 811 to 1151, inclusive. Paper R is a n i n v e n t o r y of books, a p p a r a t u s , equipment, supplies, etc., a s of J u l y 1, 1911. Paper 8 is a s t a t e m e n t of t h e E d w a r d Snyder loan fund. Paper T is a s t a t e m e n t of t h e College of Medicine account for t h e y e a r ended Sept. 1, 1911. Respectfully submitted, S. W. P A P E B A—CURRENT APPROPRIATIONS. June 30,1911. Academy, laboratory Academy, salaries Academy, sundries . . . . . . . Accountancy Agricultural College Alumni Quarterly Applied mechanics laboratory . Architectural department Art and design Astronomy Auditorium acoustics Band instrument deposits Blue printing Botany Botany, laboratory Buildings and grounds Ceramics Chemical laboratory Chemistry, sundries Civil engineering Classics ". Crop receipts Dairy receipts Dean of men Dean of women Debating and oratory Editing catalog Editing University Bulletin Education, School of Electrical laboratory English Entomology, sundries Entomology, laboratory Faculty tennis courts Feeding, receipts Floriculture, receipts Furniture and fixtures General engineering drawing.. Geology, sundries Geology, laboratory Germanic languages Heat and light.. ~ High School Contest High School Visitor History SHATTUCK, Comptroller. Appropriated. Expended. Balance* $ 1,191 63 $ 242 46 $ 949 17 14,290.00 14,350 00 60 00 1,100 00 553 65 546 35 3,472 91 586 94 2,885 97 60,679 05 56,840 12 3,838 93 1,000 00 1,000 00 649 10 3,327 89 2,678 79 933 21 933 21 500 00 500 00 100 00 100 00 500 00 145 39 354 61 215 00 80 00 135 00 4/162 97 2,825 81 1,337 16 500 00" 442 58 57 42 864 21 1,267 57 403 36 1,469 73 1,469 73 160 27 160 27 2,989 37 2,989 37 9,050 00 9,050 00 989 95 989 95 200 00 200 00 7,127 47 5,690 81 1,436 66 9 998 45 6,859 98 3,138 47 2,300 00 2,300 00 1,000 00 820 07 179 93 400 00 400 00 800 00 262 86 537 14 1,000 00 175 03 825 00 600 00 586 48 13 52 1,620 65 1,620 65 1,310 00 1,233 99 76 01 200 00 200 00 224 77 377 49 ' 152 72 500 00 274 44 225 56 15,507 70 12,309 54 3,198 16 1,127 41 1,241 43 114 02 1,109 77 681 37 428 40 331 00 331 00 800 00 321 92 478 08 579 64 579 64 200 00 200 00 2,338 59 ; 694 14 I 1,644 45 400 00 308 99 91 01 ' 1,750 00 1,750 00 200 00 | 176 22 1 23 78
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