Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
118 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . TRIGONOMETRY ADDED TO T H E L I S T OF E N T R A N C E [May 27 CREDITS. President James presented the following recommendation of the University Senate: That the subject of trigonometry, to the amount of one-half unit, be included in "List B" of subjects accepted as <electives for entrance credit, as given on pages 84 and 85 of the Register for 1910-1911. This recommendation was approved. HONORARY DEGREES. I t was voted t h a t the president of the University be authorized to confer honorary degrees at the coming commencement as follows, in accordance with the recommendation of the University Senate: Ralph Modjeski, of Chicago, Doctor of Engineering. . Ernest G. Merritt, of Cornell University, Doctor of Science. W. E. Curtis, of the Chicago Record-Herald, Doctor of Laws. ADDITIONAL STENOGRAPHER FOR EEGISTRAR'S OFFICE. The president presented a request from the registrar for an additional stenographer in his office. I t was voted t h a t this position be created at a salary of fifty-five dollars ($55.00) a month, and t h a t the president of the University he authorized to fill this position by appointment. COLLEGE OF M E D I C I N E — L O C A T I O N AND L E A S E . A f t e r a full discussion of the question as to whether it is desirable to continue the location of the College of Medicine in Chicago or to remove it to Urbana, and a full discussion also of the question as jto whether or not it is desirable to divide the work of the College of Medicine, p u t t i n g t h a t of the first two years at Urbana, and leaving the clinical years in Chicago, the following action was taken: WHEREAS, The present General Assembly has voted the sum of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00) per annum for the equipment, support, and extension of the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois; therefore be it Resolved (provided that the Governor of the State approves the said appropriation bill and that the sum becomes available to the Trustees for the use of the said College of Medicine): (1) That the location of the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois should be continued for the present in the city of Chicago. (2) That the Executive Committee be asked to negotiate a lease for suitable premises for the said college, said lease to be submitted to the Board of Trustees for its approval. A U T H O R I T Y TO CONFER DEGREES. I t was voted t h a t the president of the University be authorized to confer degrees at the commencements to be held in J u n e , 1911, upon those recommended for graduation by the faculties of the several colleges and schools of the University.