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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1906] PKOOEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TEUSTEES. 25 With this recommendation was a letter from Professor Morgan Brooks. of the Electrical Engineering Department approving the same, and also a statement that after consultation with Vice-President Burrill and Miss Sharp it has been agreed to recommend that the company be allowed to have space under the stairs at the southwest entrance to the Library building. The request was approved, and it was ordered that the installation of the office should be under the supervision of J. E. Morrow, superintendent of buildings. B I D S FOE WIEING THE AUDITORIUM, Mr. Abbott from the Committee on Buildings and Grounds stated that bids had been asked for for wiring the Auditorium for electric light, and reported that" bids had been received as follows: CONTRACTORS. National Electric Co 'Champaign Gas & Electric Co Twin City Electric C o . . . . Marrs-Tanner Co. F . E. Newberry & C o . . . . . Exterior and interior. $3,182 00 2,210 00 2,900 00 2,210 00 4,150 00 Interior. $1,272 00 1,120 00 .1,600 00 1,190-00 1,950 00 It was voted to accept the bid of the Champaign Gras & Electric 'Co. to do the exterior and interior wiring for $2,210.00. COAL B I D S — W A T E E FOE MOUNT H O P E CEMETERY. The secretary presented the following communication from W. L Abbott, chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds: Aug-. I l , ' l 9 0 6 . Mr. W. L. Pillsbury, Secretary, University of Illinois: , D E A B S I B : T h e Committee on Building's a n d G r o u n d s m e t a t t h e L i b r a r y b u i l d i n g * J u l y 25, a n d t r a n s a c t e d b u s i n e s s a s f o l l o w s : T h e f o l l o w i n g " b i d s f o r a s u p p l y of c o a l f o r t h e U n i v e r s i t y f o r t h e f o l l o w i n g " year w e r e received: SPRINGFIELD COAL M I N I N G COMPANY: For fuel for the coming year, e n d i n g Aug. 31,1907, we propose to furnish yon our No. 2 nut coal (being same coal furnished you during the past year) from our mines in the Springfield and Taylorville districts, to the extent of your requirements, which we understand to be about 15,000 tons, at price of $1.55 per net ton of 2,000 p o u n d s , f. o. b. Wabash tracks, Urbana; ^subject to strikes, lockouts, and other causes beyond our control. O'GARA COAL COMPANY: W e quote you the following prices for contract for your entire fuel requirements from date to Aug, 1, 1907: Harrisburg, Saline County, 111. Screenings. $ .80 per ton, f. o. b. cars mines No. 3 nut ( l M x ^ O : . * 1.10 per ton, f. o. b. cars mines No. 2 nut (2x134) • 1.25 per ton, f. o. b. cars mines .No. 1 nut (3x2) 1.40 per ton, f. o. b* cars mines M i n e run . . . 1 . 0 0 per ton, f. o. b. cars mines :U4 lump 1.25 per ton, f. o. b. cars mines T h e freight rate 9 2 ^ cents. J . D. W H I T E : I offer to furnish for the University of Illinois, as n e e d e d by it for heat, light and power purposes, between Sept. 1,1906, and A u g . 31,1907, fifteen thousand (15,000) tons, more or less, •of best Illinois unwashed coal of the size known as " p e a " coal, screened free of all large lumps, dust and dirt, to be delivered at the power house of said University, on a switch track from the line of the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway C o m p a n y or on a side switch track from the switch track now being used by the University Test Car at the price of ' 'one
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