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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ATHLETIC POLICY. 419 12. The University Senate, in accordance with the authority vested in it by the Board of Trustees, has determined from time to time the general policy of the University in regard to athletics, leaving to the athletic board the management of administrative details under the supervision of the "University Council. The so-called Big Nine conference, including representatives from the Universities of Illinois, Michigan, Chicago, Northwestern, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Purdue, and Indiana, adopted a year ago certain so-called reform rules relating to training table, number of intercollegiate games, eligibility of freshmen, etc. An attempt was made to alter these rules for the coming year. The Senate of the University of Illinois has voted to stand by the present rules until further notice. At the request of certain students I called a mass meeting of the student body, inviting the members of the Senate to attend, and gave the students an opportunity to express their desires in the matter through speakers selected by representative student bodies. This meeting was held in the Auditorium and six students presented the desires of the student body upon this subject. I have asked the Senate to reconsider their action upon the subject in the light of the representation by the student body. The matter will be taken up again in the near future for further consideration. I take this occasion to express my gratification at the good record which Illinois has made in the matter of intercollegiate athletics. It has not always won games by any means, especially in football, but it has maintained a consistently clean record for honesty and fairness and sportsman-like conduct in the best sense of that term and a faithful observance of the agreements made with other instiiutions. And the men who have had charge of .athletics, including students as well as professors, and especially the Director of Athletics, Mr. Huff, certainly deserve credit for the time and attention which they have given to the many vexing problems connected with this subject, and for their persistent determination to maintain high standards and high ideals. FIRE; ESCAPE-; IMPROVEMENTS. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds made the following report, which was adopted, and the appropriations asked for were made: CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, January 25, 1908. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your Committee on Buildings and Grounds approves recommendations made by the Supervising Architect, Professor White, as follows: 1. The erection of a fire escape on the west side of University Hall. 2. The construction of a bath in the beef cattle building, at an expense not to exceed $60. 3. Equipping the sash on ttie south side of the University greenhouse with apparatus for raising and lowering the sash, at an expense not to exceed $125. 4. Putting in heating apparatus at the Observatory, at an estimated expense of $350. Respectfully submitted, W. L. ABBOTT, Chairman. KEVOCATION OF C. P. A. DIPLOMA. The- secretary presented a formal request for the recovation of C. P. A. diploma No. 70 issued to William H. Koberts, October 27, 1904. He was directed on motion of Mr. Madden, to confer with Dean Harker with reference to the form of procedure to be followed in such case.
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