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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

388 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Oct. 19 DANVIULE, I I I . , October 7, 1907. Prof. Edward G. Schmtidt, Associate Professor of Railway Engineering, Urbana, Illinois: MY DEAR SIR—Referring to your letter of October 4, your File E. C. S.. 520: I suggest that the matter of moving the test car over our rails be taken up regularly with us by your Board of Trustees. "We will be very glad to consider any request they may have to make. Very truly yours, [Signed] L. E. FISCHER, General Manager. VISITORS IN CLASSES. 13. A recommendation from the Council of Administration that the following rule be adopted with reference to attendance upon University classes by persons not regularly registered as students. Permission to attend classes regularly as listeners only, may be given to persons who are not registered in the University, on the following conditions: 1. They must first secure the consent of the instructors concerned and of* the dean of the college in which the courses are given. 2. They must pay a semester fee of $7.50 for each course attended. 3. No instructor shall admit any such listener to any of his classes except on presentation of a written certificate showing that he has complied with the above conditions. This certificate, when properly signed, shall be filed with the dean of the college. It is understood that this privilege is to be extended only so far as may be consistent with the interests of regular University work and may be withdrawn at any time, after due notice, when, in the judgment of the University authorities, the presence of such listeners would be detrimental. Voted t h a t the said recommendation be approved. SCHOOL OF PHARMACY. 14. A letter from Professor Goodman in regard to new quarters for the School of Pharmacy. Voted on motion of Mrs. Alexander to refer the same to the Committee on the School of Pharmacy with a request for a report. INVESTIGATION OF DAIRY MATTERS IN OTHER COUNTRIES. 15. A communication from Dean Davenport indorsing a recommendation from Professor Fraser in regard to sending Mr. C. C. Hayden to make a study of dairy matters. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, October 15, 1907. President E. J. James, University of Illinois: DEAR MR. PRESIDENT—I am in receipt of the enclosed communication from Professor Fraser, head of the department of Dairy Husbandry. This is the first request from the head of one of our departments for permission to dispatch a man to make systematic investigation of the agricultural conditions in other and competing countries. I most heartily endorse Professor Fraser's recommendation. We need this information, and we should secure it at first hand by a competent man. It will, of course, cost some money to send Mr. Hayden to these places, but I believe it is one of the most rapid and certain means of advancing these interests. It is understood that this trip would be in the interest of experiment station work and not college work. Hoping that our recommendation may meet your judgment and that of Respectfully yours, E. DAVENPORT.
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