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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

43 On motion the matter was referred to the Executive Committee, to report at the next meeting. I n the matter of the proposition of Mr. F . G. Jaques concerning the erection of a waiting-room at the street car track on Wright street, it was resolved that the question be submitted to Dr. Peabody to agree upon a plan for the same and report at next meeting. The Board then proceeded to the consideration of the petition of Mr. Poster North. Trustee Bennett offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the matter of the communication of Foster North be referred to a specia committee of four, of which the President of the Board and the Regent shall be members' the other members to be appointed by the President; the said committee to report at the next regular meeting of this Board. Thereupon Trustee Follansbee offered the following resolution as a substitute: Resolved, That it is'the sense of this Board that when Foster North shall have passed the requisite examination to entitle him to graduation and shall have prepared the proper thesis and oration required from persons graduating from this University, the customary degree to which he would be entitled should be conferred upon him. Ayes, 2 ; noes, 5. The motion was lost. The original motion was then put and prevailed. The President appointed Trustees Bennett and Follansbee as additional members of the committee. In regard to the exhibits at New Orleans the Eegent reported that at the request of the officers of the exposition he had consented that they remain there until fall. On motion leave of absence during vacation was granted to Professors Burrill, Snyder, McMurtrie and Boos. The Begent's bill of $109.30 for expenses to Washington and Springfield was on motion allowed. In the matter of the convention of representatives of the agricultural colleges and experimental stations, to be held on July 8, 1885, at Washington, D. C., on motion of Trustee McLean the Eegent was authorized to attend (at the expense of the University) and represent this institution. On request of Professor Burrill, an appropriation not to exceed $40 was made for the purchase and transportation of a set of wood specimens of Florida, illustrating the forestry of that State. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at such time and place in Chicago, 111., as the President shall designate. S. M. MILLARD, President. E. SNYDER, Secretary.
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