Technical Papers And Discussions
- "Notes on Mountain Railroad Location." Technograph, No. 1, 1886, 51-54.
- "The Determination of Water-Way for Bridges and Culverts." Technograph, No. 2, 1887, 14-22.
- Discussion of paper on "Railway Trestles," by E.A. Hill. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. II, 1887, 130.
- "Some Track Problems." Technograph, No. 3, 1888, 39-43.
- "Report of Committee on Exhibit and Exchange of Drawings" (with others). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. III, 1888, 151-153.
- "An Ideal System of Numbers." Technograph, No. 4, 1889, 32-38.
- "Sewage Disposal." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. IV, 1889, 53-59.
- Discussion of paper on "Methods of Measuring and Computing Earthwork" by E.L Morse. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. IV, 1889, 96-97.
- Discussion in symposium on "Cost of Track Laying." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol IV, 1889, 137-138.
- "Report of Committee on Exhibit and Exchange of Drawings" (with others). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. IV, 1889, 148-149.
- "Railway Transition Curves." Technograph, No. 5, 1890-1891, 77-103.
- Discussion in symposium on "Cost of Repairs to Railroad Pile Bridges." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. V, 1890, 138-140.
- "Diagram for Flow in Pipe Sewers According to Kutter's Formula." Technograph, No. 6, 1891-1892, 70-74.
- "Rates of Maximum Rainfall." Technograph, No. 6, 1891-1892, 103-117.
- "Presidential Address: 'Some Qualifications of the Engineer.'" Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. VI, 1891, 18-26.
- Discussion in symposium on "Metric System." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. VI, 1891, 138-139.
- "Presidential Address: 'Engineering Progress and Prospects.'" Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. VII, 1892, 15-20.
- Discussion of paper on "Brick Manufacture and Brick Pavement" by F.A. Calkins. Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XXVI, 1892, 414-415.
- "Report of General Committee on Engineering" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. VIII, 1893, 81-86.
- "Requirements in Mathematics for Engineering Education." Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. I, 1893, 50-62.
- Discussion in symposium on "The Transition Curve." Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XXVIII, 1893, 35-42.
- Discussion in symposium on "Flood Waves in Sewers." Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XXVIII, 1893, 199-204.
- "The Determination of the Amount of Storm Water." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. IX, 1894, 64-73.
- "The Railway Transition Spiral on Old Railway Curves." Technograph, No. 10, 1895-1896, 141-144.
- "The Purification of Water and Sewage by Intermittent Downward Filtration." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. X, 1895, 27-30.
- Discussion in symposium on "Automatic Flush Tanks." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. X, 1895, 47-50.
- Discussion of paper on "Cost of Pumping Water from Well to Reservoir" by R.G. Young. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. X, 1895, 76.
- "Report of Committee on Municipal Engineering" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. X, 1895, 153-154.
- Discussion of paper on "Sanitary Engineering and State Board of Health" by J.A. Harmon. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XI, 1896, 91-94, 97.
- Discussion in symposium on "Grade of Sewers." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XI, 1896, 132-135.
- "A Concrete Foot Bridge." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XI, 1896, 146-149, 151, 154-155.
- Discussion on "Report of Committee on Standard Specifications and Tests for Paving Brick and Sewer Pipe." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XI, 1896, 190-194.
- "A Course in Municipal and Sanitary Engineering." Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. IV, 1896, 292-296.
- "Standard Methods of Testing Paving Brick." Technograph, No. 12, 1897-1898, 16-23.
- "The Shearing Strength of Rivet Steel." Technograph, No. 12, 1897-1898, 127-134; Abstract, Eng. News, Vol. XL, 1898, 100-101.
- "The Sedimentation Process in Sewage Disposal." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XII, 1897, 68-76.
- "Report of Committee on Paving Brick Specifications and Tests" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XII, 1897, 82-91.
- Discussion on "Report of Committee on Sanitary Legislation." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XII, 1897, 150-154.
- "Limestone Screenings in Cement Mortar." Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. II, 1897, 391-404.
- "The Railway Transition Spiral" (A revision and extension of the article "Railway Transition Curves" in Technograph No. 5, 1890-1891). Technograph, No. 13, 1898-1899, 73-124.
- Discussion of paper on "Purification of Sewage by the Ferozone Polarite System" by J.W. Alvord. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XIII, 1898, 53-58, 63.
- "Report of Committee on Paving Brick Specifications and Tests" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XIII, 1898, 174-176, 180-186.
- "Report of Committee on Weights and Measures" (with others). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XIII, 1898, 186-189.
- "Standard Methods of Testing Paving Brick." Eng. News, Vol XL, 1898, 84-86.
- "Uniform Chord Length Method for the Railway Transition Spiral." Technograph, No. 14, 1899-1900, 137-142.
- "A New Form of Sewer Invert Block." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XIV, 1899, 117-122; Abstract, Eng. Record, Vol. XLI, 1900, 5-6.
- "The Working of the Septic Tank of the Champaign Sewerage System." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XIV, 1899, 227-228.
- "Report of Committee on Paving Brick" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XIV, 1899, 232-235.
- "The Railway Transition Spiral" (A revision and extension of the article in Technograph No. 13 reprinted in handbook form). 1899.
- Discussion of "Preliminary Report on the Present State of Knowledge Concerning Impact Tests" by W.K. Hatt and Edgar Marburg. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. I, 1899, 47.
- "The Septic Tank of the Champaign Sewerage System." Eng. News, Vol. XLII, 1899, 111-112.
- "The Champaign Septic Tank." Eng. Record, Vol. XXXIX, 1899, 229-230.
- Discussion of paper on "The Mechanics of Suction and Suction Pipes" by D.W. Mead. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. IV, 1899, 43-48; Abstract, Eng. Record, Vol. XXXIX, 1899, 545-546.
- "Report of Committee on Paving Brick Specifications and Tests" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XV, 1900, 102-105, 107-108.
- Discussion in symposium on "Determination of Amount of Subsoil Water Finding its Way into Newly Constructed Sewers and its Consideration as a Factor in Computing Sizes." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XV, 1900, 187-189.
- "Report of Committee on Prof. Orton's Investigations of Standard Methods of Testing Paving Brick" (Professor Talbot, Secretary). The Clay-Worker, Vol. XXXIII, 1900, 141.
- "Paving Brick and Brick Pavements" (Letter to the Editor). Eng. Record, Vol. XLI, 1900, 281-282.
- "Recent Progress in Sewage Purification." Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. V, 1900 543-560.
- "Laboratory of Applied Mechanics." Technograph, No. 16, 1901-1902, 83-86.
- "The University Water-Works." Technograph, No. 16, 1901-1902, 87-88.
- "A Derivation of Formulas for Stresses in the Curved Bottoms of Tanks." Technograph, No. 16, 1901-1902, 136-140.
- "Report of the Committee on Paving Brick Tests and Specifications" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XVI, 1902, 83-91.
- Discussion of paper on "Open Water Courses for Land Drainage" by P.C. Knight. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XVI, 1901, 168.
- "Report of the Committee on Proper Construction and Maintenance of Brick Pavement." Proc. of 8th Annual Convention of the Amer. Soc. of Mun. Imp., 1901, 91-95; Abstract, Eng. News, Vol. XLVI, 1901, 269.
- Discussion of paper on "Effects of Splicing and Riveting" by G.S. Morison. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. VI, 1901, 259-261.
- "The Railway Transition Spiral," Revised Edition. Engineering News Publishing Co., 1902.
- "Report of the Committee on Paving Brick Tests and Specifications" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XVII, 1902, 160-164.
- Discussion of paper on "One of the Objections that Helped Defeat the Surveryors License Bill" by W.P. Feeny. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XVII, 1902, 188-190.
- "Alleged Mistakes in Engineering Education and Their Remedy." Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. X, 1902, 73-81.
- Discussion of "Report of Committee on Entrance Requirements." Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. X, 1902, 205.
- Discussion of paper on "A Gas Engine Driven Direct Pressure Pumping Plant, with Some Experiments on Pump Valve Area" by D.W. Mead. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. VII, 1902, 31-32.
- Discussion of paper on "Sewage Purification Plants" by J.W. Alvord. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. VII, 1902, 136-140, 142-143.
- Discussion of paper on "The Transition Spiral" by W.M. Torrance. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. VII, 1902, 167-171.
- "Notes on the Absorption Test for Paving Brick." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XVIII, 1903, 51-54.
- Discussion in symposium on "Relative Strength and Cost of Natural and Portland Cement Concrete for Street Pavement Foundations." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XVIII, 1903, 55-56.
- Discussion in symposium on "The Applicability of the Septic Tank to Sewage from Combined Systems of Sewerage." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XVIII. 1903, 57.
- "Relative Discharging Capacity of Brick and Pipe Sewers." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XVIII, 1903, 63-64.
- "Growth of Engineering Education." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XVIII, 1903, 120-123.
- Discussion of paper on "Engineering Education from the Standpoint of the Practicing Engineer" by A.W. Ayer. Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XI, 1903, 99-100.
- Discussion of paper on "Floods and Flood Protection Works at East St. Louis" by J.F. Parr. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XIX, 1904, 56-57.
- "Measurement of Flow in Sewers." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XIX, 1904, 70-74.
- Discussion of paper on "Concrete Foundation and Cement Filler for Brick Pavement" by O.L. Gearheart. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XIX, 1904, 116.
- "Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams." Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 1, 1904.
- "The Extension of Engineering Investigational Work by Engineering Schools." Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XII, 1904, 75-80.
- Discussion of "Report of Committee on Requirements for Graduation." Jour. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XII, 1904, 124-126.
- Discussion of paper on "The Naval Academy as a Technical School" by I.N. Hollis. Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XII, 1904, 188.
- Discussion of paper on "Absolute and Gravitational Systems of Units" by E.R. Maurer. Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XII, 1904, 216, 219.
- "Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams." Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. IV, 1904, 476-497, 540-542; Abstract, Eng. Record, Vol. L, 1904, 196-201.
- "Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams." Eng. News, Vol. LII, 1904, 122-126.
- Editorial Discussion of paper on "Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams." Eng. Record, Vol. L, 1904, 182-183.
- "Flexure of Reinforced Concrete Beams." Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. IX, 1904, 394-424.
- Discussion in symposium on "Methods of Handling Problem Work in Large Classes." Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XIII, 1905, 58.
- Discussion in symposium on "Concrete and Concrete Steel." Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LIV, Part E, 1905, 564-566.
- "Paving Brick, Testing and Inspection." The Clay-Worker, Vol. XLIII, Jan. 1905, 70-72; Reprint, Mun. Eng., Vol. XXVIII, 1905, 235-238.
- Discussion of paper on "The Strength of Reinforced Concrete" by T.L. Condron. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. X, 1905, 348-352.
- Discussion of paper on "Recent Improvements in the Plant of the Danville Water Company" by D.W. Mead. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. X, 1905, 291-292.
- "Report of the Special Committee on Good Roads Legislation" (Presented by Professor Talbot). Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXI, 1906, 42-43.
- "The Work of the Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXI, 1906, 95-98.
- "Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams." Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull., No. 4, 1906.
- "Tests of Concrete: I. Shear, II. Bond." Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull., No. 8, 1906.
- Discussion of paper on "The Justification of the Use of the Expression 'Engineering Mathematics'" by A.E. Haynes. Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XIV, 1906, 131-132.
- Discussion of paper on "Concrete Column Tests at the Watertown Arsenal" by J.E. Howard. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VI, 1906, 356-357.
- Discussion of paper on "The Consistency of Concrete" by S.E. Thompson. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VI, 1906, 384.
- Discussion of paper on "Notes on Compression Tests of Cement" by W.P. Taylor. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VI, 1906, 391.
- Discussion of paper o. "I nvestigation of the Thermal Conductivity of Concrete and the Effect of Heat Upon its Strength and Elastic Properties" by I.H. Woolson. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VI, 1906, 450-451.
- Discussion of paper on "New Features of Two Large Testing Machines" by W.C. Du Comb, Jr. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VI, 1906, 484.
- Discussion in symposium on "Engineering Education." Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LVII, 1906, 170.
- Discussion of paper on "Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams, Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway" by J.J. Harding. Eng. News, Vol. LV, 1906, 171-174.
- Review of Concrete Block Manufacture by H.H. Rice; "The Manufacture of Concrete Blocks and Their Use in Building Construction" by H.H. Rice. Eng. News, Vol. LVI, 1906, 182.
- Review of A Handbook of Reinforced Concrete by L.F. Brayton. Eng. News, Vol. LVI, 1906, 185.
- Review of A Handbook of Reinforced Concrete by F.D. Warren. Eng. News, Vol. LV, 1906, 311.
- Review of Textbook of Engineering by W.R. King. Eng. News, Vol. LVI, 1906, 416.
- Review of Reinforced Concrete by A.W. Buel and C.S. Hill. Eng. News, Vol. LVI, 1906, 521.
- Discussion of paper on "Areas of Waterways for Railroad Culverts and Bridges" by G.H. Bremner. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. XI, 1906, 183-185.
- Discussion of "Report of Committee on Roads and Pavements." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXII, 1907, 91, 96-97.
- Discussion of "Report of the Committee on Water Works." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXII, 1907, 44-45.
- "Tests of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Columns, Series of 1906." Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 10, 1907.
- "Tests of Reinforced Concrete T-Beams, Series of 1906." Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 12, 1907.
- "Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams, Series of 1906." Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 14, 1907.
- "Tests of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Columns, Series of 1907." Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 20, 1907.
- Discussion of paper on "The Teaching of Elementary Mechanics" by W.S. Franklin and Barry MacNutt. Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XV, 1907, 345-347.
- "Tests of Concrete Columns." Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VII, 1907, 382- 393; Reprint, Eng. Record, Vol. LVI, 1907, 145-147.
- Discussion of paper on "Tests of Bond Between Steel and Concrete" by T.L. Condron. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VII, 1907, 466.
- Review of Graphical Handbook for Reinforced Concrete Design by J. Hawkesworth. Eng. News, Vol. LVII, 1907, 550.
- Review of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Construction by H.A. Reid, Eng. News, Vol. LVII, 1907, 301.
- "Concrete T-Beams and Column Tests at the University of Illinois." Eng. News, Vol. LVIII, 1907, 30-33.
- "Working Stresses and Working Factor of Safety in Structures" (Reprint from Bulletin). Eng. News, Vol. LVIII, 1907, 33.
- "Strength Tests of Hooped Concrete Columns." Eng. News, Vol. LVIII, 1907, 342-344.
- Discussion of paper on "Tests of Bond Between Concrete and Steel" by T.L. Condron. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. XII, 1907, 113-116.
- Discussion of paper on "Concrete Pipe Culverts" by O.P. Chamberlain. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. XII, 1907, 90-96.
- "A Test of Large Reinforced Concrete Beams." Railway Age Gazette, July 31, 1908, Vol. XLV (new series), 621-624.
- "The Teaching of Mathematics to Students in Engineering." Science, Vol. XXVIII (new series), 1908, 167-170.
- Discussion of paper on "The Relation of Waterways to Drainage Areas" by M.L. Enger. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXIII, 1908, 75-76.
- "Tests of Reinforced Concrete at the University of Illinois." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXIII, 1908, 103-107.
- "Qualities of High Grade Paving Brick and Tests Used in Determining Them." Ill. State Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 9, 1908, 47-72.
- "Tests of Paving Brick." Ill. State Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 9, 1908, 73-131.
- "Tests of Cast-Iron and Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe." Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 22, 1908; Reprint, 1926.
- "Tests of Brick Columns and Terra Cotta Block Columns" (with D.A. Abrams). Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 27, 1908; Abstract, Eng. News, Vol. LXII, 1909, 175-176.
- "A Test of Three Large Reinforced Concrete Beams." Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 28, 1908.
- Discussion of a paper on "Preliminary Program of Tests of Steel Columns to be Executed at U.S. Watertown Arsenal" by J.E. Howard. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VIII, 1908, 324-325.
- "A Test of Reinforced Concrete Beams, 25 ft. Long, 6.25 ft. Wide and 2 ft. 10 in. Thick." Eng. and Cont., Vol. XXX, 1908, 66-70.
- "Reinforced-Concrete Bridges for Track Elevation on the Illinois Central Railroad: Failure Tests of Very Large Concrete Slabs." Eng. News, Vol. LX, 1908, 145-148.
- "A Test of Large Reinforced Concrete Beams." Eng. Record, Vol. LVIII, 1908, 137-139.
- "Tests of Cast Iron and Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe." Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. XIII, 1908, 376-413; Abstract, Eng. and Cont., Vol. XXIX, 1908, 232-234, 244-246, 257-261.
- Discussion of paper on "The Missouri Law for County Engineers" by W. Dowell. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXIV, 1909, 90-93.
- "Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams: Resistance to Web Stresses, Series 1907, 1908." Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 29, 1909; Abstract, Eng. News, Vol. LXII, 1909, 135-137.
- "Tests of Timber Beams." Univ. of Ill. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 41, 1909.
- Discussion of paper on "Suggested Disposal of Drainage at Tolono" by E. Bartow. Proc. Ill. Water Supply Assn., Vol. I, 1909, 164-165.
- "Methods of Measuring Water." Proc. Ill. Water Supply Assn., Vol. I, 1909, 172-174.
- "Teaching Engineering Mathematics." Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XVII, 1909, 41-44.
- Discussion of "Report of Committee D on Standard Specifications for Paving and Building Brick." Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. IX, 1909, 137-138.
- Discussion of paper on "Tests of Standard I-Beams and Bethlehem Special I-Beams and Girder Beams" by E. Marburg. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. IX, 1909, 412.
- Discussion of paper on "Notes on Tests of Steel Columns in Progress at Watertown Arsenal" by J.E. Howard. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. IX, 1909, 420.
- Discussion of paper on "Tests of Plain and Reinforced Concrete Columns" by M.O. Withey. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. IX, 1909, 490-492.
- "Tests of Built-up Steel and Wrought Iron Compression Pieces" (with H.F. Moore). Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XXXV, 1909, 334-377; Trans. Am Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXV, 1909, 202-245, 247-249.
- "Progress Report of Special Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete" (with others). Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XXXV, 1909, 85-120; Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXVI, 1910, 431-466.
- "An Investigation of Built-up Columns Under Load" (with H.F. Moore). Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 44, 1910; Abstract, Eng. and Cont., Vol. XXXV, 1911, 368-374.
- Discussion of paper on "Experience with Deep-Well Pumps" by F.C. Amsbary. Proc. Ill. Water Supply Assn., Vol. II, 1910, 29-30.
- "A Simple Instance of the Determination of the Rate of Flow into Wells." Proc. Ill. Water Supply Assn., Vol. II, 1910, 88-92.
- Discussion of paper on "Reinforced Concrete Columns" by P. Gillespie. Proc. Natl. Assn. of Cement Users, Vol. VI, 1910, 105-106.
- Discussion of "Report of the Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete." Proc. Natl. Assn. of Cement Users, Vol. VI, 1910, 315-318, 321-322, 331, 337.
- Discussion of paper on "Reinforced Concrete Trestles for Railways" by C.H. Cartlidge. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. XV, 1910, 556-558; Reprint in Railway Age Gazette, Vol. XLVIII (new series), Apr. 22, 1910, 1047-1048.
- "Report of Experiments on Water Columns at the Hydraulics Laboratory of the University of Illinois." Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XI, Part 2, 1910, 1182-1218; Bull. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., No. 120, February 1910, 226-262.
- Discussion of paper on "Bond-Friction-Resistance in Reinforced Concrete" by W.F. Scott. Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XXXVI, 1910, 1751-1752; Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXXIII, 1911, 274-276.
- "Thickness of Walls of Large Pipe Lines." New England Water Works Assn., Vol. XXV, 1911, 52-55.
- "Address at 25th Anniversary Meeting." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXVI, 1911, 27-29.
- "Resistance to Flow Through Locomotive Water Columns" (with M.L. Enger). Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 48, 1911.
- "Tests of Nickel-Steel Riveted Joints" (with H.F. Moore). Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 49, 1911.
- "Diagrams for Friction Loss in New Cast Iron Pipe" (with M.L. Enger). Proc. Ill. Water Supply Assn., Vol. III, 1911, 138-143.
- "Removal of Iron from a Drift Well Water." Proc. Ill. Water Supply Assn., Vol. III, 1911, 151-159.
- "Response to Address of Welcome." Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XIX, 1911, 21.
- Presidential Address "The Engineering Teacher and His Preparation." Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XIX, 1911, 22-32; Excerpts, Eng. News, Vol. XLVI, 1911, 520.
- Discussion of paper on "Standard Tests for Drain Tile and Sewer Pipe" by A. Marston. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XI, 1911, 846-848.
- Discussion of paper on "Some Tests of Large Steel Columns" by J.E. Howard. Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XXXVII, 1911, 817-819; Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXXIII, 1911, 465-466.
- Discussion of paper on "A Discussion of the Basis of Design for Reinforced Concrete Floor Slabs" by A.R. Lord. Proc. Nat. Assn. Cement Users, Vol. VII, 1911, 191-192.
- Discussion in symposium on "Concrete and Reinforced Concrete." Proc. Nat. Assn. Cement Users, Vol. VII, 1911, 429-430.
- Discussion of paper on "The Use of Diagrams for Solving Engineering Formulas" by G.F. Dodge. Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. XVI, 1911, 104-105.
- Discussion of paper on "Formulas for Flow in Sewers" by G.C. Habermeyer. Jour. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXVII, 1912, 75-76.
- "Test of Columns: An Investigation of the Value of Concrete as Reinforcement for Structural Steel Columns" (with A.R. Lord). Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 56, 1912; Review, Eng. and Cont., Vol. XXXVII, 1912, 512-513.
- "Further Tests on the Removal of Iron from a Drift Well Water." Proc. Ill. Water Supply Assn., Vol. IV, 1912, 229-231.
- "Method of Testing Drain Tile" (with D.A. Abrams). Proc. Nat. Assn. Cement Users, Vol. VIII, 1912, 713-719; Reprint, Eng. Record, Vol. LXV, 1912, 384-385.
- Discussion of "Report of the Committee on Reinforced Concrete and Building Laws." Proc. Nat. Assn. Cement Users, Vol. VIII, 1912, 158, 159.
- Discussion of paper on "The Design of Concrete Flat Slabs" by F.J. Trelease. Proc. Nat. Assn. Cement Users, Vol. VIII, 1912, 251-253.
- "Report of the Committee on Reinforced Concrete and Building Laws" (with others). Proc. Nat. Assn. Cement Users, Vol. VIII, 1912, 61-157; Abstract; Cement Age, Vol. XIV, 1912, 171-177, Eng. and Cont., Vol. XXXVII, 1912, 537-538, 561-562, Eng. News, Vol. LXVII, 1912, 718-725, Eng. Record, Vol. LXV, 1912, 318-320, 414-415.
- Discussion in symposium on "Light Compression Members." Jour. Wes. Soc. Eng., Vol. XVII, 1912, 650-654.
- "Tests of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Under Load" (with W.A. Slater). Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 64, 1913.
- "Reinforced Concrete Wall Footings and Column Footings." Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 67, 1913; Reprint, 1925; Abstract, Eng. and Cont., Vol. XL, 1913, 120-125, Eng. Record, Vol. LXVIII, 1913, 126-128.
- Discussion of paper on "Mt. Vernon Filter Plant" by S.B. Severson. Proc. Ill. Water Supply Assn., Vol. V, 1913, 221.
- Discussion of paper on "The Flushometer Type of Water Closets" by F.C. Amsbary. Proc. Ill. Water Supply Assn., Vol. V, 1913, 232.
- Discussion of "Report of Committee C-3 on Proposed Standard Specifications for Paving Brick." Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XIII, 1913, 301.
- Discussion of paper on "Use of the Strain Gage in the Testing of Materials" by W.A. Slater and H.F. Moore. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XIII, 1913, 1041.
- "Progress Report of the Special Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete" (with others). Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XXXIX, 1913, 117-168; Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXXVII, 1914, 385-437.
- Discussion in symposium on "Proposed Standard Specifications for the Design and Construction of Stone, Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Highway Bridges and Culverts." Proc. Nat. Assn. Cement Users, Vol. IX, 1913, 423-425.
- "The Theory of Loads on Pipes in Ditches." Eng. and Cont., Vol. XL, 1913, 126-134.
- Discussion in symposium on "Roads and Concrete." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXIX, 1914, 49.
- Discussion of paper on "Construction Methods and Costs for Large Concrete and Brick Sewers" by H.R. Abbott. Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXIX, 1914, 72-73.
- "The Iron Removal Plant of the Champaign and Urbana Water Company." Proc. Ill. Water Supply Assn., Vol. VI, 1914, 149-156; Abstract, Eng. and Cont., Vol. XLI, 1914, 355-357.
- Presidential Address, "The Relation Between Research and the Activities of the Society." Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XIV, Part I, 1914, 31-38; Excerpts from address, Eng. and Cont., Vol. XLII, 1914, 74-75, Eng. Record, Vol. LXX, 1914, 36-37.
- "Annual Report of the Executive Committee" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XIV, Part I, 1914, 39-53.
- Discussion of "Report of Committee E-1, on Standard Methods of Testing." Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XIV, Part I, 1914, 405.
- Discussion of paper on "Rubber Belting and Methods of Testing" by W.E. Campbell. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XIV, Part II, 1914, 624.
- Discussion of paper on "A Critical Review of the Procedure Governing the Adoption of Standards" by E. Marburg. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XIV, Part II, 1914, 655-656.
- "Report of Committee on Specifications and Methods of Tests for Concrete Materials" (with others). Proc. Am. Conc. Inst., Vol. X, 1914, 422-444; Discussion, Proc. Am. Conc. Inst., Vol. X, 1914, 525, 527-530.
- "Progress Report of the Special Committee to Report on Stresses in Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XLI, Part I, 1915, 85-86.
- "Report of Special Committee on Stresses in Railroad Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XVI, 1914, 791-792, 1173-1174.
- Discussion of "Report of Committee on Drainage." Proc. Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv., Vol. XXXI, 1916, 58-59.
- "Tests of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slab Structures" (with W.A. Slater). Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 84, 1916.
- "Progress Report of the Special Committee to Report on Stresses in Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XLII, Part I, 1916, 103-105.
- "Final Report of the Special Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete" (with others). Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XLII, Part B, 1916, 1657-1708; Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXXXI, 1917, 1101-1152.
- "Report of Special Committee on Stresses in Railroad Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XVII, 1916, 309-310, 861-863.
- "Address as Past President." Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XVII, Part I, 1917, 276-277, 280.
- "Progress Report of the Special Committee to Report on Stresses in Railroad Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XLIII, 1917, 100-101; Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XVIII, 1917, 595-596; Discussion, Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XVIII, 1917, 1475-1476.
- "Report of the Committee on Reinforced Concrete and Building Laws" (with others). Jour. Am. Conc. Inst., Vol. XIII, 1917, 404-407.
- Discussion of "Final Report of the Special Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete." Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXXXI, 1917, 1202-1206.
- "The Engineering Society and Its Functions." Jour. Eng. Club of St. Louis, Vol. III, 1918, 82-87.
- "Hydraulic Experiments with Valves, Orifices, Hose, Nozzles, and Orifice Buckets" (with F.B. Seely, V.R. Fleming and M.L. Enger). Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 105, 1918.
- "Test of A Flat Slab Floor of the Western Newspaper Union Building" (with H.F. Gonnerman). Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull., No. 106, 1918; Abstract, Eng. and Cont.,
Vol. LI, 1919, 416-418.
- Discussion of paper on "Proportioning the Materials of Mortars and Concrete by Surface Areas of Aggregates" by L.N. Edwards. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XVIII, Part II, 1918, 291-292.
- "Progress Report of the Special Committee to Report on Stresses in Railroad Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XLIV, Part I, 1918, 55-247; Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXXXII, 1918, 1191-1383; Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XIX, 1918, 875-1058, 1239-1240.
- "Precept prepared for the Guidance of the Committee on Development." Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XLIV, 1918, 881-887.
- "Test of an Eight-Year-Old Flat-Slab Floor of the Western Newspaper Union Building" (with H.F. Gonnerman). Jour. Am. Conc. Inst., Vol. XIV, 1918, 192-203; Abstract, Eng. News-Record, Vol. LXXXI, 1918, 121.
- "Action of Railroad Track Studied by Test of Depression and Rail Stresses." Eng. News-Record, Vol. LXXX, 1918, 492-493, 517-522.
- Discussion of "Report Upon the Effect of Fast Trains Upon the Cost of Maintenance of Way and Equipment" by Committee on Track. Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XIX, 1918, 1264-1265.
- "Engineering Societies Committees on Aims and Organizations." Jour. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., Vol. XLI, 1919, 17; Abstract, Eng. and Cont., Vol. LI, 1919, 89.
- "The Parable of the Paste Pot." Concrete, Vol. XIV, May 1919, 177.
- "Edgar Marburg--His More Recent Service in the Society." Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XIX, Part I, 1919, 52-54.
- Discussion of "Some Theoretical Studies on Proportioning Concrete by the Method of Surface Area of Aggregates" by R.B. Young. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XIX, Part II, 1919, 481-485.
- "Presidential Address." Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XLV, 1919, 29-51; Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXXXIII, 1920, 404-426; Abstract, Eng. News-Record, Vol. LXXXII, 1919, 175-176.
- "Progress Report of Special Committee on Stresses in Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XX, 1919, 215-216, 864-866.
- "Elements Influencing the Strength of Concrete." Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XX, 1919, 904-908; Abstract, Eng. News-Record, Vol. LXXXII, 1919, 869-870.
- "Second Progress Report of the Special Committee to Report on Stresses in Railroad Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XLVI, 1920, 133-304; Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXXXIII, 1920, 1409-1580; Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXI, 1920, 645-814, 1424-1426. Abstract entitled "A Scientific Study of Railway Track Under Load." Ry. Age, Vol. LXVIII; Counterbalance Effect and Behavior of Tie and Ballast, Eng. News-Record, Vol. LXXXIV, 1920, 403-404, 406-413.
- Discussion of "Compressive Strength of Concrete in Flexure" by W.A. Slater and R.R. Zipprodt. Jour. Am. Conc. Inst.,
Vol. XVI, 1920, 149-150.
- Discussion of "Report of Special Committee on Unit Values for Vertical Shear in Reinforced Concrete Design." Proc. Am. Conc. Inst., Vol. XVI, 1920, 242.
- "A Proposed Method of Estimating the Density and Strength of Concrete and of Proportioning the Materials by the Experimental and Analytical Consideration of the Voids in the Mortar and Concrete." Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XXI, 1921, 940-969, 972-975.
- "Proposed Method of Estimating Density and Strength of Concrete and Proportioning the Materials." Eng. and Cont., Vol. LVI, 1921, 306-312.
- Discussion on "Report of Joint Committee on Standard Specifications for Concrete and Reinforced Concrete." Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XLVIII, 1922, 599, 623-626, 630-632, 640-642, 659-661.
- "Graduate Work in Engineering." Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XXX, 1922, 147-152.
- "Third Progress Report of Joint Committee on Stresses in Railroad Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Bull. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXIV, 1922, 295-450; Circ. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. IV, 1922, Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XLIX, 1923, 293-451; Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXXXVI, 1923, 906-1068.
- "The Research Activities of the American Society of Civil Engineers." Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XLIX, 1923, 512-517; Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXXXVI, 1923, 1280-1285.
- "The Strength of Concrete: Its Relation to the Cement, Aggregates and Water" (with F.E. Richart). Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 137, 1923.
- "Engineering Research in Concrete and Reinforced Concrete." Proc. Am. Conc. Inst., Vol. XX, 1924, 168-174.
- "Fourth Progress Report of the Joint Committee on Stresses in Railroad Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LI, 1925, 469-635; Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXXXVIII, 1925, 739-905. Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXVI, 1925, 1081-1245; Bull. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXVI, 1925, 1081-1245.
- "Research and Reinforced Concrete as an Engineering Material," First Edgar Marburg Lecture, Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Part I, 1926, 50-66.
- "A Study of the Relation Between Properties of Cast Iron Tested Under Impact, Internal Pressure, and Flexure, and the Corresponding Properties Found in Several Kinds of Test Specimens Taken Therefrom" (with F.E. Richart). Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XXVI, Part II, 1926, 185-217.
- "Strength Properties of Cast-Iron Pipe Made by Different Processes as Found by Tests." Jour. Am. Water Works Assn., Vol. XVI, July 1926, 1-44, December 1926, 763-764.
- "Studies of Properties of Cast-Iron Pipe" (with F.E. Richart). The Foundry, Vol. LIV, 1926, 594-595.
- The Railway Transition Spiral. 6th Ed., 1927, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.
- "Some Aspects of Research in the Field of Engineering and Its Financial Support, with Particular Reference to Civil Engineering and Related Fields." Address of retiring Vice-President of Section M--Engineering--of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Science, Vol. LXIX, 1927, 171-175.
- "Report of Board of Engineers Transbay Bridge to the Board of Public Works of the City and County of San Francisco, California" (with Robert Ridgway and John D. Galloway). 90 pages and 15 maps and charts, 1927.
- "Research on Mixing of Concrete in Batch Mixers." Proc. Eighth Annual Meeting, Highway Research Board, Vol. VIII, 1928, 34-41.
- "Report of Tests of Concrete Mixers." Koehring Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1928.
- "Study of Mixing Action of Large Concrete Mixers." Eng. News-Record, Vol. CII, 1929, 394-396.
- "Some Developments in Making Concrete in the United States." Jour. Inst. Japanese Arch., Vol. XLIV, 681-686.
- "Fifth Progress Report of the Special Committee on Stresses in Railroad Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXX, 1929, 1228; Bull. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXI, 1929, No. 319, 1-272; Discussion, Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXX, 1929, 1407-1412.
- "Relationship of Engineering Research to Engineering Education." Jour. Eng. Educ., Vol. XXIII, 1932, 105-112; Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XL, 1932, 105-112.
- "Some Features of Rail-Joints." Bull. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXIV, 1932, 12-23; Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXIII, 1932, 746-750.
- "The Desirability of Reducing to a Minimum the Present Variability Factors in Track." Bull. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXIV, 1932, 23-30; Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXIII, 1932, 750-757.
- "What Happens to a Rail Joint." Ry. Age, Vol. XCII, 1932, 769-770.
- "Why High Stresses Occur in Rails." Ry. Age, Vol. XCII, 1932, 1059-1061.
- "Origin of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education." Jour. Eng. Educ., Vol. XXIV, 1933, 39-43; Proc. Soc. Promotion Eng. Educ., Vol. XLI, 1933, 39-43.
- "Sixth Progress Report of the Special Committee on Stresses in Railroad Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Bull. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXV, 1933, No. 358, 55-308; Discussion, Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXIV, 1933, 808-821.
- "Historical Sketch of the College of Engineering, University of Illinois." Technograph, Vol. XLVIII, 1934, No. 2, 3-4, 18-19; No. 3, 4-6; No. 4, 6-9.
- "What Happens When Bolts are Tight." Ry. Age, Vol. XCIV, 1933, 893-896.
- "Better Maintenance Will Reduce Stresses in Rail." Ry. Age, Vol. XCV, 1933, 153-155.
- "Stresses in Railroad Track." Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXV, 1934, 1148-1155.
- "The Design of Tie-Plates." Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXV, 1934, 1126-1131.
- "The Function of Ballast." Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXV, 1934, 1112-1114.
- "Report of Special Committee on Stresses in Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXVI, 1935, 243; Discussion, Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXVI, 1935, 957-958; 963-964.
- "Elevation of Outer Rail on Curves." Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXVI, 1935, 969-974.
- "The Early Years of the American Society for Testing Materials." Bull. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Jan. 1936, 5.
- "Report of Special Committee on Stresses in Track" (Professor Talbot, Chairman). Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXVII, 1936, 101-102; Discussion or informal remarks on studies of welded rails. Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXVII, 1936, 954-961.
- Discussion on "Stresses in Railroad Track." Proc. Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Vol. XXXVIII, 1937, 674-681.
- Discussion of paper on "A New Theory of Rail Expansion" by A. Africano. Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. LXIII, 1937, 1159-1167.
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